What's the Logic of EB2-U/EB3-Available


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What is the logic for EB2 India being unavailable and EB3 still available?
I thought EB3 filers where more than EB2, back in 2000-2003. Does this say that EB3 visas are pretty much available but they are holding on the PD for something else?

Since now 45 day letters are dispatched, hope October will bring good news to EB3 filers, since by then statistics about all replies and closure for BEC cases will be available, and PD dates for EB3 will be more precise, rather than vague.
USCIS is the wrong place to look for logic !!!!

Yeah they are holding up the visa #s in anticipation of demand in the last month.
Logic? Umm... maybe USCIS reads this forum and found out all the people asking questions on moving from EB3 to EB2?
"Oh no, they are moving through EB2 now! Close the gate! Close the gate!"
IMHO, it could be one of two things:

1. Processing times - the time taken to process EB3 apps may have been a lot longer than the time tamen to process EB2 apps. Given this, the India cap may have been reached for EB2, but the EB3 quota has not been met yet - thanks to slower processing on those.
2. Given that the EB3 cut-off dates are much earlier than the EB2 cut-off dates, there wouldn't have been the expeced number of EB3 visas processed. As far as I know, the whole cut-off date determination is based on speculation on the number of 485 applications that will be approved during the next month within a given category. There might have been a miscalculation on their part on the number of EB3 applications in the 485 or pre-485 phases, or on the processing times required to clear EB3 LCs stuck in the BECs - resulting in cut-off dates that are a lot earlier than they should have been for EB3.

Being the optimist that I am, I fear the latter explanation is closer to the truth - which would portend unused EB3 numbers for India at the end of this year. Such is life.
Exactly right ...

samyami said:
IMHO, it could be one of two things:

1. Processing times - the time taken to process EB3 apps may have been a lot longer than the time tamen to process EB2 apps. Given this, the India cap may have been reached for EB2, but the EB3 quota has not been met yet - thanks to slower processing on those.
2. Given that the EB3 cut-off dates are much earlier than the EB2 cut-off dates, there wouldn't have been the expeced number of EB3 visas processed. As far as I know, the whole cut-off date determination is based on speculation on the number of 485 applications that will be approved during the next month within a given category. There might have been a miscalculation on their part on the number of EB3 applications in the 485 or pre-485 phases, or on the processing times required to clear EB3 LCs stuck in the BECs - resulting in cut-off dates that are a lot earlier than they should have been for EB3.

Being the optimist that I am, I fear the latter explanation is closer to the truth - which would portend unused EB3 numbers for India at the end of this year. Such is life.


I totally agree with you. The EB3 dates are "currently" based more on speculation than actual demand while EB2 dates reflect the true situation. This is not to say that the demand within EB3 is not high but most of these apps are still stuck in BECs. They are keeping the EB3 category locked up in April 01 in anticipation of thousands of cases flooding them from the BECs. God knows when that will happen. The situation looks bleak at best for India EB3.

When you reach a point that I have reached (waiting for over 5 years) it stops mattering as much. The PDs will become current at some point or the other. Its best to keep busy and continue with life as best we can .. I am trying my best to do so. I am not putting to much hope into Oct 06 either. It will probably be another bulletin and another set of dissappoints for EB3 India. I have mentally prepared myself to wait atleast till Oct 07 if not more :(


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Guys the Quota for EB3 India for FY2006 is going to go waste (unused).

You guys are not counting the sadistic pleasure for the USCIS.

I am in the same boat ... I am just relying on some immigration relief program for us that pops up once in a while as a result of a broad immi relief during the elections times.

saras76 said:

I totally agree with you. The EB3 dates are "currently" based more on speculation than actual demand while EB2 dates reflect the true situation. This is not to say that the demand within EB3 is not high but most of these apps are still stuck in BECs. They are keeping the EB3 category locked up in April 01 in anticipation of thousands of cases flooding them from the BECs. God knows when that will happen. The situation looks bleak at best for India EB3.

When you reach a point that I have reached (waiting for over 5 years) it stops mattering as much. The PDs will become current at some point or the other. Its best to keep busy and continue with life as best we can .. I am trying my best to do so. I am not putting to much hope into Oct 06 either. It will probably be another bulletin and another set of dissappoints for EB3 India. I have mentally prepared myself to wait atleast till Oct 07 if not more :(


how about eb-2

how about eb-2?saras or someone more experienced,do you think that eb-2 india as of now is unvailable,oct once fresh no's come in will it start from 2003 jan or there is chance for retro?
any idea if eb-2 also has a lot of back log and will that cause any further retro.do you still anticipate good movement in eb-2 category even if it retrogress?

doc14 said:
how about eb-2?saras or someone more experienced,do you think that eb-2 india as of now is unvailable,oct once fresh no's come in will it start from 2003 jan or there is chance for retro?
any idea if eb-2 also has a lot of back log and will that cause any further retro.do you still anticipate good movement in eb-2 category even if it retrogress?


I think EB2 India will start moving with the Oct bulletin. The extent of the move is anyones guess but the dates should move by a few months at a time for atleast the first half of the fiscal year (until March-April 07). You can never be sure though. The one thing I have learnt over the years is that there is rarely anything that can be predicted with logic or reasoning. Lets hope for the best and be prepared for the worst :)


The BIG question for EB2 India is start moving from which date and which direction? It went from 2003 to Unavailable in a space of one month bulletin. In Oct bulletin will it revert to 2003 and start moving forward?
Seeing that all of EB3 is in year 2001, will EB2 India also join that crowd?

saras76 said:

I think EB2 India will start moving with the Oct bulletin. The extent of the move is anyones guess but the dates should move by a few months at a time for atleast the first half of the fiscal year (until March-April 07). You can never be sure though. The one thing I have learnt over the years is that there is rarely anything that can be predicted with logic or reasoning. Lets hope for the best and be prepared for the worst :)

