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What type of police record if living in USA?


Registered Users (C)
LucyMo or anyone?

I am a DV 2006 winner who has lived since 1996 on F1 and H1B in USA.
I am a little confused on what type of police record I need to request from my local police department here in California?

The first time I called they said they would issue a clearance letter.
The second time I called they said they would issue a police report

Is a clearance letter from local office what I will need at the consulate (CP in Frankfurt) or do I need a FBI report? If so, does anyone have the number to call and process on how to request and how long it takes to obtain?

Any advisse is greatly appreciated!!
The NL and 2nd package clearly say that former or current resident of the US should not ask for police records.
See the enclosed pdf ( from my 2nd package when I did CP in June 05 in France).
Thanks, this is very helpful, we are waiting to get the second letter as my number should become current in April (fingers crossed)

One more question, did they issue the immigrant visa immediately after the interview or did you have to wait?

Thanks again!!
My appointment was at 1pm. But there was a lot of waiting inside the embassy (see my experience post).
If I well remember, it was close to 4pm when the officer congratulated us.
She said that as the fingerprints have to go (electronically) to Washington DC to get cleared, it might take a few hours. So she told us to go home. When we received the stamps, the date was June 2nd, i.e. the day after our interview.

We might have been able to stay and wait for our visas if our appointment was in the morning. This is what people from the OC region usually say about their experiences.

For your flight problem : the officer asked us when we were planning on going back to the US ( we were F1) in case there would be a problem of any kind.
A safety measure would say to take a week before the interview ( medical exam) nd a week after ( in case you forget something on the day of your interview,or any other problem ...).
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