What to expect from status query


Registered Users (C)
My 485 ND is early May 2003. I noticed that VSC processing date for 485 is June 19, 2003 now. So I called up NSC and they took my information and said that I can initiate a "status query."

At the end of our conversation, the lady said that they will send me a notice within 3-4 weeks. I was wondering if other people have gone through this and what did they get out of it?

Thanks in advance.
I haven't made an inquiry, but I am wondering the same thing, hope someone else will answer you.

What is the numer you called to make the status inquiry? I am in Boston area too.
Hope it will help

My ND 03/03. I generate case inquiry and they told me to wait 3-4 week.

After 3-4 week they sent me letter on 11/11/04 saying that I need to wait 60 days more......

Hepe within 60 days I will get some good news....
Absolutely correct.

The Case Status, I think, has hardly anything to do with your case. Its
more like a counselling unit for you; telling you to stay calm, wait etc

Your case will move when they want it to. You or your senator/congressman
are basically of no use. People seing approvals after having fingered
seantors/congressmen, would have seen approvals anyway...its merely a
feel-good thing..makes u contended that u did something that made it
happen :) Its, again, my 2 cents.........am speaking as no authority.
Thats right!

Basically what Sumanta said. After spending more time in these forums I am coming around to the same thing. No pattern, no rythm, no rhyme. Nothing you do makes it faster. Nothing you can do to find the status because that would give away some pattern.

It is like drawing lines to connect stars in the sky -- you can make pretty patterns and draw animal pictures but that does not mean the stars are organized in any specific order.

I expect the response from this query to have some meaningless line telling me to keep waiting. Other people have reported starting three such queries and still getting the same meaningless drivel in return.
If you're right then what is the solution to this totally unacceptable and unfair situation?
Why can't we or the lawyers of this site find out what's going on?
How can the situation be so ignored and going on for months. When you call INS, the message tells you "all is done in the order they get in". What kind of a message is that if 2004 apps are being proccessed while many 2002s are still not heard from.
Please lawyers do something if you have some power.

Why do we act like CIS owes us something? Situation may not be very good and I agree that it can be made better but I do not think it is unfair. Yes two of my friends who applied 485 after me have been approved and no I still do not think that is unfair. Let us cut them some slack -- we are all humans afterall.

Lighten up my friend, and have a nice day.