what time AVM/on-line msg get changed


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what time AVM/online msg get changed

My Nd is Jan, 2002, so right now I am in a stay tuned mood to wait to see whether my AVM/online message changed. Would you guys know at what time each day these messages get to changed, like morning/noon/midnight?

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I read on BCIS website before (I think it was in Q&A section for the On-Line Case Status) that it can change anytime during the day if a officer has done something on your case.

I wish I didn't know that, because now I'm obsessively checking it throughout the day to see if it's changed!
Its a traumatic experience, checking online status.
Each time after checking it and seeing the same message, I feeling like screaming out loud in frustration.

Everytime I decide not to check it for another 5-6 hours, but I end up going there after another 1/2 hour, and getting frustrated all over again.
I do the same thing, and totally understand you. What I also worry about is that my company keep logs for every employees' internet access. If they know I keep checking these web sites all the time, they probably will fire me. On one side, I really need this job, on another side I just cannot help checking. What can I do? :eek: :eek: :eek:
You do not have to obsess (american english! sorry) about it....

Sometime ago, user 'custer' had written a small application and made it available to folks on these forums. This application, unlike greenland and kashmir, stays resident in your PC's memory and monitors your case status (and something like 7 other cases, if you like) about a dozen times in a day and alerts you if there is a change.

It should not be too difficult to find a link to this download if you search for 'custer' and follow the threads.
How abt this

Yeah! Most of the companies keep logs and I do check my status atleast 3 to 5 times a day.

The memory resident also check the same and hence will be logged at the firewall.


Let us ask BCIS (USCIS) to send an email alert when there is a change in the status.

May be in the next petition, we will add this as a suggestion.

Just kidding. :D

No offense please. Just thought of having a humor out of frustation. :p ( I am also in the same boat waiting for my 1 FP notice)
> Let us ask BCIS (USCIS) to send an email alert when there is a change in the status.

That will be the day. I will personally distribute laddos at Times aquare if they implement that.

This is quite funny, and happened to me today. Last night, like every night for the past one year, I was thinking what else can I do to get my approval. Now I got FPed the second time in July, but my case status never got updated after my RFE reply was received in June. So I thot that i will call up BCIS today and try to make the "specialist" send an enuiry to NCS as to why my status was not updated . My thinking being that with this enquiry some officer might get to my case and start reprocessing it.

The lady who answered my call was in no mood to give me any leeway. She said that first of all I shold not even call till Dec 03. (26 months time frame), and that the online and AVM status was a service provided by BCIS for our convenience, and that they are not mandated to update it !

Well today I thot of this strategy. Seeing the approvals from yesterday, I noticed that the users of this forum who have not posted much/ silent listeners are getting approved. So my strategy is not to write on this forum at all. Lets see if this works.

Guys, let me know if I am loosing it.

It is Nice To Be Remembered

The case status application is not available for download at present. I don't have anywhere to host it. It has been significantly upgraded since it was last available, it now does classifies cases as to status, like the greenland script, and will send an email alert if the status changes. (I have it set up to send messages to my pager). Personally I really like the new app, but I am a wee bit biased as well.

I am not sure if this app will work in distribution, because the email DLL I use is licenced (and I don't want to spend $400 on a distributable version). It also assumes the installation of Outlook (or at least Outlook Express). However if anyone can help me with getting about 3 MB storage on the web, I would be happy to make the install available.
Originally posted by jaykarandikar
....Well today I thot of this strategy. Seeing the approvals from yesterday, I noticed that the users of this forum who have not posted much/ silent listeners are getting approved. So my strategy is not to write on this forum at all. Lets see if this works.

Guys, let me know if I am loosing it.... :p

Far from loosing it, you may be on to something. Who knows, USCIS sleuths may be browsing around these forums to make a note of who all are being vocal about the agency. Then they may be using that information to place a hold on I-485s of posters to teach us all a lesson and show us our (third world) place. It is a hypothesis worth testing. Once you determine if it works, please do not forget to come back and let us know.:p
Re: It is Nice To Be Remembered

Originally posted by custer
....However if anyone can help me with getting about 3 MB storage on the web, I would be happy to make the install available.

Is it too large in zipped form to be uploaded on to a thread on these boards? Just in case Rajiv is not following these posts, why don't you send him an email and ask him if he will host it. It seems like a good application for an immigration law firm to have to check their clients' statuses.
I ran the greenland script around 7:00 pm and found one case approved today.

LIN0200150363 Card ordered 10/3/2003 Approved/Completed