What the hell is going on...


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I am feaking out here. I had my interview done on 23rd October.
Everything went fine but officer couldn’t stamp my passport because my fingerprints were expired. We had it done right after the interview. Officer did mention that we would get our approvals in “weeks”.

Weeks have already gone by and nothing has come up. I just got off the phone with my congressman and she said my case is transferred back to Nebraska. The reason is Milwaukee doesn’t do any kind of Employment approvals. Due to their workload they only process marriage base cases.

Then why the heck they ask for interview where they cant approve???

Isn’t it weird?? Has anyone heard of case being transfer back to service center after the interview??

Please share your thoughts.

I know couple of guys whose 485( Employment based) were approved & stamped at milwaukee after the interview ... so dont know why that congressman said that way ...

did your oneline message changed ?

try to get in touch with IIO at NSC or possibly call the milwaukee INS and ask them too , no harm in asking them

keep us dated

All the best

You are 100% right.
Actually there were couple of guys whom I have been chatting here on this forum and they all have got their approvals. I did call NSC but they are just hopeless. They havent changed my online status since last 8 months. They even don’t know that my case was transferred to Local office. Online status says the same thing.

Anyways, my question was;

Has anyone heard of a case which after the interview was transferred back to NSC??

Pork, Sankitrayan..What is the opinion of all experts??


Before i attended the interview , i was doing enquiry about my EAD case(was tranferred to milw from texas) thru local congress person's office. She(person from congress mans office) called me back after i recieved interview letter( she dint know that i recieved my interview call and i dint get chance to tell her) she told me that my case(485) was tranferred to Milw and was sent back to Texas and texas will be processing my ( this info was given by milw ins to her).then, i told her that i got my interview call from local INS. she was confused with my statement and did not understand what was going on with my case. In short: my guess is milw ins will send some vague kind of info and put everbody in confusion. same thing would have happend in your case also. but let's wait and watch. we have waited patiently for 2yrs( in my case) let us not loose our patience.Good luck and hope you recieve your approval very soon.
Just a thought...

May be since you have done second FP, and FP results are normally sent back to the service centers, they have sent your case back to Nebraska.... Just a thought...

Looks like yours is a rare case where the case went back to service center after local interview, assuming the info. is right. In a situation like this, it is best to write a letter to the local INS office with all your info., then wait for 3 to 4 weeks for a response and if you are not satisfied, then walk-in into their office by prior appointment or whatever it is and raise the issue with an officer. If they tell you that your case was transferred back to service center, politely ask him/her if there is something unsual about your case that it went back after local interview. Since you mentioned that you gave FP, it could be possible that it might be realted to the FP results or something. Before all this, check with major lawyers (for a fee which is worth paying considering your situation) and listen to what they say first. Good luck. Please post your results when you are done so that others in similar situations might find it helpful.
Hi guys

Thanks for the response.

I guess here on this forum, we have had number of cases of the local interview where they didnt stamp the passport after the interview and sent the approval letters after receiving the new fingerprints..

So what exactly could be the reason for sending back to NSC??
The justification I got from congressman was the "workload" of the local office increases with EB cases and thats why they send it back to NSC.

I have asked my congressman to get me this in writting. She spoke to IIO at NSC who told her my case was with him.

so do you guys agree with this justification???
No I don't agree with the justification ... because on the same day when u had interview other guy name MSNGUY also had his interview and he got his passport stamped after interview ..and all this happened on 23rd oct ....

And even if thats the case then in future NSC should not transfer any EB category 485 to Milwaukee for interview etc.... its just waste of time ...

I wish you all the best ...
why dont you go to the local center and ask them about the status rather than relying on congressman's word