What papers do I need for my baby to be US Citizen Jus Sanguis?


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1st question:
I am a US Citizen and my wife is permanent resident. We are thinking of for her to have our baby in Mexico because of the high costs of having it here in the US. What papers do I need to fill out and take to Mexico to show US immigration when coming back to the US? I read a similar post, but it didn't say what forms I need to get.

2nd question:
We were looking at what kind of financial help such as Medicaid we can get here for the health costs related to the birth of baby. I saw somewhere that an immigrant cannot get help from the government for the 1st 5yrs that they are here. Is this true? Does this also apply to permanent residents? My wife arrived last year and just got her conditional permanent residency.

Thank you.
my friend what state do u live in?
i am trying to look for some answers but it says the laws for medicaid depends on which state u r from
mero said:

1st question:
I am a US Citizen and my wife is permanent resident. We are thinking of for her to have our baby in Mexico because of the high costs of having it here in the US. What papers do I need to fill out and take to Mexico to show US immigration when coming back to the US? I read a similar post, but it didn't say what forms I need to get.

Thank you.

You should apply for a US passport for the kid. Go to the embassy/consulate that covers your area in Mexico and register the birth and apply for a US passport.
I live in South Carolina

Thanks. I'll check up information on SC's website regarding Medicaid but I am 90% certain that we won't get any aid.

As far as Mexico, I thought we have to take some forms to fill out before the baby is born and before we leave the US for Mexico.