What is your H1b income ?

techy2468 said:
blingdling.....even i find this offer of 125k+20k bonus+6 weeks vacation too high for developer....

if you dont mind can you please elaborate the responsibilities a bit.....

It sounds like we are digressing from the main topic of info sharing. For accurate information about what jobs are out there, one needs to do one's own research. However, to answer the question, the role was that of a Senior Developer developing financial trading systems. For obvious reasons, I cannot post details. It is routine to get that type of salaries - especially in the NY NJ area. I guess most people who get those types of salaries do not frequent these forums a lot. ;)

pssenthilnath said:
Hi All,
My salary is not that bad, but I am surprised that you make such a low salary just like I am surprised that some one in Ohio and "South Texas" makes $118,000 and $150,000. I believe you guys...no doubt about it.

Would you guys (the Ohio guy and "South Texas" guy) mind sharing why you are paid such huge salaries? What kind of value you bring to your employers that make them pay you such high salaries. You guys appear no to have more than 6 years of experience. That is quiet eye-opening and surprising.

I am asking these questions is a positive spirit. Pelase do not mistake me. My intention is to understand why I am not getting paid that much ot more accurately what value should I bring to the employer to get paid that kind of money. I understand that there is "supply and demand" factor that determines salary in most cases.

Thanks for your time and expecting your honest replies as always...

MD 123, jack786:

Yes you are right. I am a doctor and I finished my residency with 60 hrs work week and not 100. The salary I am getting is a prevailing wage and I am preety sure that I can double that up when I get the GC and start my own practice. I am in South Texas - RGV and it is by no means a small dingy town, infact it is the 4th fastest growing MSA in the usa with population around 2 million. But again Jack you are right on... I am stuck in the vias backlog process, I dont like south texas and I will move to north east as soon as I get my GC.
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gondalguru.......i know atleast 4 medicos currently doing their residency........you must be lucky to be doing just 60hrs/wk..........i think even the legal limit is like 80hrs/wk ....

and not to mention the odd hours.....(5.30am to 9pm.......or how about the 36 hours non stop on duty which is supposed to be a common practice for a first year resident)
blingding......thanks for the info.....i didnot think about the location and the finance domain much...........it makes sense now..........NY/NJ and finance domain are usually pretty sweet deals...