what is the Max 3 digit number after wac-01 for year 2001

Technically it can be 365

Since the 3 digit number is the julian date, it can go upto 365/366( for leap year ), but not sure how far INS has assigned
the number

increases for each working day

Sunday\'s they dont work - so u decrease 365 by 52 and I guess they have a few more holidays like Christmas .. new year.. thanksgiving etc etc.

So - SanGC is about right when he says 299
Are Saturdays included in their working days?

Surprising!! But on that premise combined with the fact that they had 10 official Federal holidays in 2001, I guess that would be

365 - 52 - 10 = 303

i.e. WAC-01-303-xxxxx would be the last in the series
calendar days...

the 3 digits are the numbers of working days minus the week-ends and all the holidays and emergency meeting...and also remember that the INS start there calendar days on the month of october,so we have to start counting on the first day of October..
not true, august RDs are 01-290

I mailed in August and got the receipt number is WAS-01-290-xxxxx