What is supplement to I-693 (Medical)? Where do we get the form?


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What is supplement form to I-693? I got RFE asking me to go the doctor who did the i-693 form and complete the supplement to i-693.When I did medical my doctor filled only form 693.
Where do we get the form? I do not find in INS site. Any help appreciated.
ND 02/04/00 PD:12/97 INDIA/EB2 VSC
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We did the same on the RFE.
I-693 and supplemental are both given by the INs doctor.
Supplemental form is he one when they put what Vaccination is given and when etc.
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I have similar RFE. INS requires vaccination record for mumps, meseales, rubella, polio, tetanus, diptheria toxiod, pertusis, influenza, and hepatitis. My Dr. has signed the supplemental I 693 with all except polio, influenza and hepatitis. He says these are not required. I am not sure about that. Does anybody have similar experience or can answer this question. thanks.
Is Hepatitis B vaccine necessary?

Does anybody know if Hepatitis B vaccine is required? Which column should be ticked on this line if its not required?