What is Indian Govt. Doing about Safety of Indians in USA??

Nothing - Should they not create some kind of awareness among American masses so that indians are not targeted for racial backlash in the aftermath of the WTC tragedy? Atleast they can issue some statements in media for this purpose.
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Will US and world ever know/realise that, behind all this,
what happened in WTC-NY, main culprit is fundamentalist
supported by Pakistan? God Bless.
ANTI DISCRIMINATION SQAD number 800-552-6843, Its time to come together

US not only knows but funded, trained and fuelled terrorism in that part of world. This time too it needs Pakistan to get Mr. Laden and will compromise anything(Kashmir, Terrorism as Freedom struggle in India).
It is time for all of us to come together(take some lessons from Jews) and protect our citizens. Government will never do anything unless forced to, same case everywhere. Government only cares about vote bank, their own interest. Had it been not for Army, Kashmir and North East would have long gone.
It is the shortcomings in our own society and long rule of Britishers that has put us here. Most Indians still look towards western people as superior to them(And we say we are independent), still lot of politics in office to take credit of work even if it means showing fellow Indian down(specially to show Americans), still people who settled here feel jealous of Indians coming now for they didn\'t struggle as much as they did and as if America was reserved for them, still at any organizational level we give importance to our own benefits and not society as whole. We need to put "USKI SARI MERI SARI SE SAFED KAISE" attitute under control.
Respect has to be commanded and not demanded and to do that we need to put our own diffrences and politics at the lowest level and come together.
Btw just for everyone knowledge here is ANTI DISCRIMINATION SQAD number 800-552-6843.


PS; I know this is a forum for immigration related stuff but could not stop writing.
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Thanks. We all know this is a forum for Immi, but still this is the
place where lot of guys read who might be affected or affected already. Guys we need to think and act. Talk with your fellow
US workers/citizens about this. And tell them that don\'t attack
us by just our skin colors.
You are right, we should discuss these issues too

This is the right time for Indian Government to do a worldwide campaign against Terrorism. They can show the actual picture of what pak supported terrorists are doing in India. But unfortunately our miniters does not have time to do that!!!. (They have lot of other issues to sort out like get more commission from weapon business etc...). Even now also pak is playing a smart guy role. Making statements against terrorism and meeting world leaders like China.
Our Government and Embassy are sleeping

Most of the reputation for Indians in US was earned because of IT people\'s hard work. In good times, the embassy took share in our perspiration. They were enjoying star shows gave interviews in desi news papers and posed for photographs. Our business community acted as ambassadors when our embassy was sleeping.

Even today, we don\'t know how many Indians died in WTC. India ia a IT superpwer and the embassy doesn\'t even maintain a database of Indians working here. There is no effort from the embassy to even contact or advertise to various software companies to cross check and report any missing Indians. e-mail is the cheapest medium and did any one of us receive any e-mails from our embassy for anything. They were loathing all the time.

When Two terrorists were arrested in a Texas train and bluffed that they were from India, the embassy is keeping quiet. The FBI later found out that they were pakistanis. Did our embassy realize how much of damage is being done by keeping quiet in such situations.

We need good diplomats like Jaswant singh who can be agressive and tactical. It is time that our govt. starts recalling some of the heads in our embassy and appoint some one who is efficient to save Indians and our reputation in US.
Time has come for the need to create \'India Awareness\' .

The bad attitude of our diplomats and spineless politicians has landed our country in a very precarious position at current times. The basic problem of our country is the aggressiveness to deal with terrorism. Our politicians just sit back and crib about Pakistan involvement. They just need to go full force and blast these idiots and teach them a lesson.As I read an article otherday, In India if a catastrophe of this kind would have happened,the first thing our politicians will do is to demand the resignation of Prime Minister, Home Minister or defence Minister. They just want to take political advantage of each and every situation. For that matter we have\'nt heard any congress member making such demands.Such is an integrity of American people and politics when it comes to defending their nation.

   Considering the above facts its important each and every Indian living in this country contribute to the fact and make understand our American friends that actually terrorism is something that India has been facing everyday and point out the real culprits behind that act. Let\'s all be the diplomats of our country instead of relying on these useless learned fellows of ours so called \'diplomats\'.
Read this link @ rediff


Are there people who agree with this? Of course, I am sure lot among us would.
Do you think it will be a good idea to advertise in papers, first point as mentioned.

"Take full-page ads in the American press and commercials on various networks, saying: "Which country, apart from the US, has lost the maximum number of its dear citizens? We share your grief, America." The advertisement will do more than South Block can ever hope to achieve in building sympathetic US public opinion for India. "

Do you think if Indian Consulate or Government doesn\'t do anything (which I am sure will not) we as citizens of our country pool in money for such ads. I am ready and volunteer for that, we can collect money or have these ads run in papers and send our portion of money directly to the American press. I am just throwing an idea? May have pros and cons?