What info can service request provide?


Registered Users (C)
Since my priority date for N-400 has been almost 2 months outside their published processing time(Dec, 12, 2006), I called customer service and opened a service request on my case and was told to expect reply within the next 45 days.

What effect/info does a service request have/provide on a N-400 case? Thanks.
They may tell you more info at the office and maybe even tell you a date for IV. If at all a center is close by, you should make an appointment.
Also it is a common courtesy to include you case dates in a post and share info about your case.
My info

Sorry to have forgotten appending my info:

P.R. EB2 since 01/2002
N-400 priority date: 10/25/2006
FingerPrintNoticeDate: 11/05/2006
FingerPrintAppointmentDate: 11/14/2006
ServiceRequestOpenedDate: 07/18/2007

Never had any trouble with law.
Common last name.