What if you visit COP, implications on citizenship and GC?


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Okay, here is a question. You got your AS6 greencard and you have NP. You have been desperately waiting to see your family for years. Not worrying about future implications of visiting COP, you take your move and visit your family and relatives. So the time comes, the citizenship interview. So during the interview you will be asked " Why did you visit COP?" And suppose IO is not happy with your answer. So your citizenship gets denied (Suppose). Is there any legal battles you can go through? Can they revoke your GC as well in such case, or you can maintain LPR status regardless of citizenship being getting denied.

Post your opinions!
Lets say you from China , and you claimed in your asylum application that you been prosecuted by the Chinese government .
now we know that Chinese government hasn't changed nor will change any time soon .
There is a possibility that you can go back to china after you get your asylum or Green Card and nobody sees anything wrong with it BUT if you raise a flag and they put an inquiry on you , then you ARE gona be in big trouble , as in spending some time in jail for lying , being deported etc.
what i am trying to say is , every case is INDIVIDUAL so use your good judgement

if you ever go back make sure you have fun :D
never heard from NOBODY, that at Citizenship interview an IO officer have asked the applicant IF HE/SHE has visited COP??

nevere.....that is not a question at citizenship interview......calm down...stop the paranoia...
Yes its not a common question, BUT IT HAS HAPPENED before... research on the forum... If the officer interviewing you notices frequent travels to your COP or you gave him/her any red flags... the officer has the right to ask you about your past travels abroad.
I would love to see an an expert debating on the issue once for all.
Can Rajiv S Khanna make the final posting.

thanks in advance.
It can be frequents or your only travel abroad... Doesnt matter... It al depends on the immigration officer interviewing you. If your ONLY travel abroad brings up red flags you can be questioned...
With immigration there is nothing for sure... that said... everybody is free to do whatever they feel is better for their future... and make their own decision about this issue.

OK, frequent does not mean one in 15 years?
do you need to show your PP in the citizenship interview? Then officer knows if he/she sees in/out stamps or renewal of PP?
do you need to show your PP in the citizenship interview? Then officer knows if he/she sees in/out stamps or renewal of PP?

I believe USCIS does ask you to bring whatever travel document, passport, reentry permit you used to enter the US but it is up to the officer to take a look at it. My mother who is about to take the oath in two weeks (who got her GC based on asylum) brought her old expired passport. The officer did not even look at it.
I believe USCIS does ask you to bring whatever travel document, passport, reentry permit you used to enter the US but it is up to the officer to take a look at it. My mother who is about to take the oath in two weeks (who got her GC based on asylum) brought her old expired passport. The officer did not even look at it.

Hi vdostoi1, I have a question: did your mother goes back to her COP? Thanks, Cl.