What I need prepare for an interview


New Member
I will go to chicago local office for an interview next 2 week. Can anyone tell me what I should take for the documents to show INS officer and what I need prepare?

Thank you in advance!
Question for you Cuteren ?

Hi Cuteren,

When did your case got transferred to Local INS office, and
can you please post the RD, ND of 485 Applications and
category its was filed in.

Thanks and good luck with your interview and do
post you interview experiece also

Can anyone tell me what document I need to take for interview?

TD: Jun 3,2002
Interview date: Nov 4 2002.

Do any one know what I should prepare my document for interview except password, employee letter, salay tab?

I Found This A While Ago

I found this a while ago on another web site and filed it away for when I get the call. It seems comprehensive to me.

Folders and Contents

1. Employment – Letter
i. Employment Confirmation Letter
ii. Employment Details, similarity to Old Job
iii. Copy – i 2
iv. Copy – ii 2

2. Marriage – Certificate
i. Marriage certificates from Home
ii. Marriage certificate from Consulate
iii. Copy – i 2
iv. Copy – ii 2

3. Misc – Cards etc
i. EAD – Self
ii. EAD – Wife
iii. SSN – Self
iv. SSN – Wife
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – ii
vii. Copy – iii
viii. Copy – iv

4. Misc - Employment – PayStubs
i. Xxx. – Last 3 Months PayStubs
ii. XXX. – Rest of PayStubs
iii. Last Job – All PayStubs
iv. Last Job – Laid off letters
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – iv

5. Misc - Taxes
i. W2 – 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
ii. Filed Tax Form – 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

6. Misc - Education
i. MS - Transcripts
ii. BS – Transcripts
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

7. Misc – INS Notices etc
i. Self - Notices
ii. Wife – Notices
iii. Self – 485 Application + support material
iv. Wife – 485 Application + support material
v. Self – I-140 Application + support material
vi. Wife – I-140 Approval
vii. Self – ETA-750
viii. Self – All previous I-94s
ix. Wife – All previous H-1Bs
x. Copy – iii
xi. Copy – iv
xii. Copy – v
xiii. Copy – vi
xiv. Copy – vii

8. Spousal Relationship – Rental
i. Rental Application
ii. Lease Agreement
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

9. Spousal Relationship – Joint Accounts
i. Bank Accounts – Letter for Checking
ii. Bank Accounts – Letter for Joint Checking
iii. Bank Accounts – Letter for Savings
iv. Bank Accounts – Statements for Joint Checking - All
v. Credit Accounts – Letter for Card 1
vi. Credit Accounts – Letter for Card 2
vii. Copy – i
viii. Copy – ii
ix. Copy – iii
x. Copy – v
xi. Copy – vi

10. Spousal Relationship – Joint Accounts Cards
i. Bank Card – Debit for Self
ii. Bank Card – Debit for Wife
iii. Credit Card – Card 1 for Self
iv. Credit Card – Card 1 for Wife
v. Credit Card – Card 2 for Self
vi. Credit Card – Card 2 for Wife
vii. Credit Card – Card 3 for Self
viii. Credit Card – Card 3 for Wife
ix. Copy – i
x. Copy – ii
xi. Copy – iii
xii. Copy – iv
xiii. Copy – v
xiv. Copy – vi
xv. Copy – vii
xvi. Copy – viii

11. Spousal Relationship – Accounts Beneficiary
i. Roth IRA – Letter
ii. Rollover IRA – Letter
iii. Any Life Insrance? – Letter
iv. Copy – i
v. Copy – ii
vi. Copy – iii

12. Spousal Relationship – Car Title
i. Title – From State
ii. Registration – From Dept of Licensing
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

13. Spousal Relationship – Car Insurance
i. Letter – From Insurance Company
ii. Insurance Form – for June-Dec 2001 –
iii. Insurance Form – for Jan-June 2002 –
iv. Copy – i
v. Copy – ii
vi. Copy – iii

14. Spousal Relationship – Health Insurance
i. Insurance Form – for June-Dec 2001
ii. Insurance Form – for Jan-June 2002
iii. Insurance Card – for Self
iv. Insurance Card – for Wife
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – ii
vii. Copy – iii
viii. Copy – iv

15. Spousal Relationship – Pictures
i. Album
When did u receive your notice


Can you tell when did you receive your interview letter?

How long was the time difference between the interview letter and actual interview( Nov 4 for your case)

Did you or your attorney receive the notice?

Did you ever contact local INS aftr the case was transfered?

My spouse case was transfered on May 24 in chicago and we r still waiting.
Please update your interview experience?

Thanks in advance..
cuteren, localins, please reply

cuteren, localins, could you guys please tell me the Rd of your spouses' cases?

Thanks! I appreciate it!
LocalINS - question

My wife's RD is also Jan 2001. She got transferred Jan 2002.

When was your spouses most recent fingerprint taken?

Our cases are very similar so please post when your spouse gets an interview.

FP Date - Jan 2001

It seems you are waiting for more than 8 months now. Are you lanning to just wait or have you done any kind of inquiry??

keep posting on the thread