what I have for AOS interview currently, suggestions?


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my interview is set on 4/19 in new york, and i have been collecting all kinds of infor./evidences for almost two months, here is the list what I have now:
1. all the letters from USCIS
2. pictures, we don't have that many, only had some from our friend's party, new years. we didn't have big wedding ceremony becasue my parent's cound't make the trip. is this going to be a problem for interviewer?
3. car insurance. title is mine (didn't bother to change for joint names). since she only has driving permit, her name just listed only, and as soon as she gets her D/L, she will be added to my policy. (our both names appear on the montly payment from insurance company)
4. joint account (we haven't used for more half year, only have first 5 months statement (total $700). should i bring it or not? we both have our own accounts (lots of more $$$), everytime i try to ask her to join my account, my wife keeps saying "no necessary, since our bills are all welll divided". anyway, i will add her name to my account no late that early next month.
5. Lease. we always pay cash for our rent, i asked my landlord for a lease agreement. he said he will get one from bookstore and give it to me next month(gas and elec are included). (is it ok?)
6. my pay check, and letter from my manager. (my manager will be transfered to another location by the end of this month, is his letter still ok with USCIS or i have ask new manager to write one for me?) can i just bring copies of my paychecks or i HAVE TO bring paystubs?
7. Life insurance, I signed up one for life insurance as my wife a benifinary last month (still waiting for real docs from insurance company, they said the process will take two or three weeks). we both have our own health insurance, i asked my boss whether i can add my wife as depent. he said, if she has one, there is no necessary/
8. tax returns and w-2s. (ordered copies already for IRS, don't know how long will it take) Can I bring copies or I have to bring original ones for past two years?
9. letters and x-mas greeding cards from friends
10. telphone bill
11. all the junk mails (they always send to us individually, but the address is same)

that's all i have right now, i will keep thinking...
my lawyer just keeps saying i will be fine(need to take a few more pictures), but i am just worried about it everyday.

the whole thing just makes me crazy sometimes, so tired of it.

any suggestions?
thanks in advance.
I have my interview in 4 days 1/27.I have a question on W-2's.What r the originals of W-2, is that what they give us in mail.?My father-in-law who is the co-sponsor can't fiind the originals but we all all copis of all years.Do u think it is problem, what can we say to Interviewer.Please suggest.Thank you
siri80 said:
I have my interview in 4 days 1/27.I have a question on W-2's.What r the originals of W-2, is that what they give us in mail.?My father-in-law who is the co-sponsor can't fiind the originals but we all all copis of all years.Do u think it is problem, what can we say to Interviewer.Please suggest.Thank you

If you don't have the original W2s take copies but also try and get the official IRS tax transcripts. See here: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=110571,00.html
hi lili2005,
thanks for your reply.I guess i don't have time for IRS transcripts as they take two weeks to deliver and i have only 2 days.I hope it is ok.