What has happened to NSC approvals?


Registered Users (C)
There seem to have been very few approvals in the last
couple of weeks from the NSC. Again, these approvals
seem to be that of older RD/NDs. NSC seems to have
advanced only as far as RD 07/17/02. My observation is
based on www.rupnet.com. Any thoughts ?
NSC processing speed has been very slow for the past couple of weeks.

As per the latest reports, NSC was processing cases till 07/13 as of 07/31/2002
A quick look on rupent will show that there are only 3 approvals after 07/13 RD. Also no REF's for cases after 07/13 have been posted.

As for the month of June, most of the REF's have not been approved. So I guess they are working on them (hopefully)
As Slow as it gets...

Yes, I agree that processing/approvals at NSC has been down to a trickle over the past 2 weeks. What is incredible is that there is no movement for even those from June '01 who have been issued RFE's over 7 weeks as per Rupnet. July '01 cases also there are hardly any new approvals. Hope they resume processing and speed up approvals soon. Here is an article from Murthy.com with info from NSC. Hope it answers some questions (or does it raise new ones)

NSC : July 2002 Update

The information in this update from the INS Nebraska Service Center (NSC) was obtained during a liaison meeting with representatives of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and senior NSC officials on July 10, 2002.

IBIS Delays

NSC reports that IBIS checks take approximately 4.5 minutes per case to complete. This additional step is taking about 1/3 of the time available for case adjudication, causing a substantial reduction in the number of cases completed per month.

NSC is attempting to address these delays by shifting personnel from I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative) adjudications, for cases with priority dates that are not current, to other types of filings. The Service Center is also implementing some technological improvements that will reduce processing time for IBIS checks. NSC has hired 150 more adjudications officers in order to speed case processing. Of course, those new staff members will need training before they can be assigned cases, so it may be awhile before we witness any significant reductions in case backlogs.


NSC advised that the processing dates of I-485s (Application to Register Permanent Resident Status or to Adjust Status) range approximately 120 days from the published processing dates, meaning that NSC is working on cases that were filed as much as 120 days before the listed processing dates. (Nebraska dates are available on MurthyDotCom.) These dates are not exact. It often appears as though one's particular case is processed after all the others!


The NSC estimates that I-140 (Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker) processing times will be approximately 80 days, now that concurrent filing of I-140/I-485s is allowed. (It is unclear what the connection would be between concurrent filing and the I-140 processing time, but NSC implied that the concurrent filing procedure would lead to quicker processing of I-140s.)

Change of Address

A person with a case pending at NSC is required to notify NSC of an address change AND file a separate Form AR-11 (Change of Address Form) with INS Headquarters. As we have reported previously, the AR-11 must be filed to meet INS notification requirements. Since 9/11, INS has begun strict enforcement of this long-standing rule. As a practical matter however, the AR-11 is likely to take awhile to be processed. Therefore, address changes must also be provided to the NSC in compliance with their particular procedures.
I dont think there will be a sizable

no. of approvals by the end of this month,as most officers must be on vacation ,as this is the last weeks before kids go back to school.Then,there's labor day..so it looks like the pace I thot is actually working out (unfortunately for us),as NSC will not complete July even by Sep...And as for Sep RD ,I dont think we folks will get approved this year..sorry..but NSC is screwed up...
RFE approvals are based on when applicant send the response back to INS and it the approval depends on the response time/type of query.

I agree some June RFEs are not processed, but how many people are waiting for more than 3 weeks, that we don't know. Let's hope they are processing July fine.
There is another reason for delay, is INS Head is resigning and he has gone for back surgerery from 1st AGU. untill ist week of sept. so you can think of that if the there is no head. how it works.
Even he will get back he does not care cos he is resigning.:eek:
July '01

Also do not forget that PD became current in July '01 for all categories. There would've been a big backlog of people waiting to file I-485s.
Easily demonstarted in Rupnet where July '01 RDs far outnumber any other month.
Thank you.

Thanks to one and all for the responses.
It was really refreshing a couple of weeks back, when NSC
was adjudicating almost as many cases as VSC per day....
... and then all of a sudden it stopped !
Hopefully with NSC increasing its workforce by 150, things
may move faster.
Here is my take...

I present it in the form of (more) questions...

1. OHLad, where did u get that magic figure of 150?

2. All of us have been basing our conclusions on the observation of Rupnet, with underlying assumption that everyone approved would be deligently. In good old days, when NSC was active, even Greaty-K used to pursue everyone to update the Rupnet. How sure are we that everyone is updating Rupnet? When I look at Rupnet, I see the number of filed cases and approved ones (or RFEs) increasing at the more or less the same pace. Which means that only those whose case status is changing are registering in Rupnet with their latest status (approved or RFE - more of approved). MOST of those who have already entered a case, have not much bothered to update the status (please notice the MOST word, before people start questioning me).

3. Agreeably, NSC is slow. But, is there any other site which can tell how slow is it?

Please post your input.

06/2001 RD, 07/2001 ND, RFE 07/2002

Hi Folks:

Is still anyone in the same boat as me, that is case filed in 06/2001, RFE received on 07/2002, response to RFE received by INS 08/2002 and haven't heard from that as yet. Also, my lawyer had asked me to file without doing my medical and nothing was mentioned in RFE for the same? Is it going to delay my case for that?

Please have your say on this

Response to mail from stillWaiting2

Hello stillWaiting2,
Thanks for your response.

I got the number 150 from an article in www.murthy.com
which june01rfe had quoted, as a response to my query
earlier in this thread. Thank you june01rfe.

I agree with you, that we are assuming everyone who
registered with rupnet would update their status promptly.
Hence this assumption should not affect the conclusions that
we arrive at with respect to any service center, let alone NSC.

From your mail I gather:
Number of (Approvals+RFE) at NSC is almost same as
Number of (Approvals+RFE) at any other service center.

However, my observation is that:
Number of Approvals at NSC is far less than the number of
approvals at VSC.

Hence, based on your observations I can safely conclude that
NSC is issuing more RFEs leading to a lower number of
approvals per se.

Please note that I am comparing NSC to VSC as VSC seems to
be the faster, among all service centers.

A look at the everyday approval (not RFE) statistics from
rupnet tells me, at the very best, there is 1 approval
from NSC for every 3 approvals from VSC. This observation
was what prompted me to post my query on this board.

I know of no other site from where we can gather the kind
of information that rupnet provides. Rupnet has indeed done
a great job ! Thanks to you rupnet.

Hope this helps. Good luck !