What happens to my bond?


Registered Users (C)
I was released on a $25000 bond from a detention center. My case was denied by BIA due to a lack of evidences of extreme hardship to my child. My attorney said that I have 90 days to re-appeal the BIA decision. It's been almost 60 days now. I am worried about my bond. Is it safe or does the government take it away since I haven't left voluntarily after the BIA decision? Please help.
You should check your mail box to see if you have been mailed a letter from the ICE regarding your bond or surrender. if incase they did and you dont show up for that, you sure will loss your money. you have thirty days to appeal but usually it turns out unsuccessfull.

Good luck.
You should check your mail box to see if you have been mailed a letter from the ICE regarding your bond or surrender. if incase they did and you dont show up for that, you sure will loss your money. you have thirty days to appeal but usually it turns out unsuccessfull.

Good luck.

i am just wondering ..........i have same case with one of my family ,but the money is less ofcourse ......she did appeal year a ago .......no decise yet but she got a letter she wonn't got her money back ............no answer yet at all . do you think it has hope ? if any one if familer to this case

bad road for some body has this case