What happens if somebody responds to AD


Registered Users (C)
What happens if somebody responds to ADvertisement whihc is put for RIR.
Is it a big issue.??

It happened to one my friends they put an add for RIR and somebody responded to the advertisement. He was concerned what he shud do.

Any ideas??????

Interview and try to prove they are not qualified. INS will follow up with candidates, so make sure you document everything well.
Attorney should know what to do. If he/she does not, well, you better get another one.

Technically, company representative (usually someone from HR) should interview the candidates. They better know what to ask and how to document everything [also, note it is illigal for you to attend the interview]. So, the Attorney should probably talk to them before the interview and explain the important points (which depends on the strategy he/she has chosen for the case).

It is exremally important to prove that candidates do not qualify for a reason that goes smooth with your LC requirements. And it should also be a just one. E.g. you can't say they are not tall enough [unless u'r applying for a basketball team]. Also, if the number of replies is high, even if all of them are disqualified reasonably, it will probably still look quite suspicios to SESA (especially for a RIR case). You might want to pay more attention to this matter. This is the most important part in Company sponsored LC/GC process.

I've not heard INS following up with ALL candidates though, they probably audit some cases [who knows on what basis].
I recently applied LC in Delaware SESA.

My attorney has mentioned in the LC application(under recruitment results) that my Employer received a total of four resumes and all of them are not matched with my skills that we mentioned in the paper ad & job descr.She also mentioned that none of those resumes are qualified to perform my job title.

Please advice: will SESA or DOL or INS convince with the above message?

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Originally posted by indgc123
I recently applied LC in Delaware SESA.

My attorney has mentioned in the LC application(under recruitment results) that my Employer received a total of four resumes and all of them are not matched with my skills that we mentioned in the paper ad & job descr.She also mentioned that none of those resumes are qualified to perform my job title.

Please advice: will SESA or DOL or INS convince with the above message?


If it sounds too easy, INS will likely to re-do the process UNDER THEIR SUPERVISION.