What happens after fingerprinting ?


Registered Users (C)
The INS site now tells me that I have to go for fingerprinting. What happens after fingerprinting ? Will the message tell me that my FP is done and now I should expect the GC in a certain time frame ?

I see that last year sep cases have not yet been approved. That means 485 is taking more than 12 months to be processed. Has anyone heard anything about faster processing of 485 ?

nothing happens after you do your FP.
they receive results and your application sits there.
that is in case your FP come back from FBI as NON-IDENT.
and you do the same thing :) chill . . .
and then all of a sudden someone picks your app up.
starts staring at it.
stares a bit more.
throws it back down to the pile.
maybe someone else picks it up.
maybe even opens it . . .
maybe they even issue an RFE. in this case you are lucky. at least it is on someone's desk, not just on the shelf.
or maybe they approve it right away. then you are one lucky SOB :)
basically, after the FP is done, you can do two things:
1) forget about it as it may take up to another year.
2) start checking this site, rupnet and INS online DB and freak out about how long it takes . . .

i chose 1. oh, wait a minute, i chose 2. i am an IDIOT!!!
You are correct dr_hangup

dr_hangup is 100% correct. I may add some more. We will get headache, nightmares, becomes irrational, starts blabbering(which we thought we did when we were a toddler) and finally you will become so calm and clueless. Then you get your GC.

:) :) :) :) :)
And may I add ...

u will start replying to newbies in the strange way my fellow GC seekers dr. hangup and Gentle Breeze have replied. U will learn the ropes soon enough.

Bottomline is that after FP you will get a long and painful silence from INS. The only solace will be this board. So hang in there and vist this board every 15 minutes. But cheer up, there is some hope for guys filing after Sept/Oct 2001 ... there are fewer 485 applications, so the waiting time should decrease to about 9 months.

BTW, DOS Reportedly Predicts No Retrogression For EB-Visa Numbers till Sept 2004, so one less thing to worry about.

After Finger Printing..

It will be very silent outwardly for about 6 months. But hold on, INS promises that it will maintain the suspence and keep your fingers crossed. It will be quiet rough inside you... After about 10 months to 12 months, you may be surprized by a semi orgasmic RFE - otherwise the experience will be truly orgasmic and then you attain the Nirvana. :):p
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