What does this mean? We mailed you decision.

Well in the movie Mr. INDIA, MOGAMBO never used to give anything but always used to take..... :D:D:D

So maybe I can take $100 from everyone. Just kidding. :D:D:D

Till then:
Mogambo kush HOGA when he will receive actual GC. :D:D:D

You are quite close buddy. I think as people say they expect large movment of visa dates for EB3 in Dec 2007 bulletin. So keep your fingers crossed and sit tight.
Also if you think your have credential which can classify you in EB2 category try filing another 140. I did same. I originally filed EB-2 NIW as I was invloved in developing a prostate cancer drug in America. But upon seeing this retrogression etc for India taking place I thought it would take me forever to get GC so applied for EB-1A, also got approved since had strong credentials. Filed all applications by myself carefully. Seems to have worked.

If you are near DC or Philly area I can atleast give zinchak a treat.

Now gift $100 to each of us.:D
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See there goes my treat, I moved from the DC area a year back. I have kept my fingers crossed so long that they are stuck to each other:(:(

Thanks for the advise, I have been thinking about it but the time it will take to convince the folks to file another I-140 is a pain in itself.

Let's see what happens next, hope you predictions come true then I will have to make a trip to DC to take treat and give a treat:D:D:D

So till then, you dance with Hawa Hawaii..:D:D

Well in the movie Mr. INDIA, MOGAMBO never used to give anything but always used to take..... :D:D:D

So maybe I can take $100 from everyone. Just kidding.

Till then:
Mogambo kush HOGA when he will receive actual GC.

You are quite close buddy. I think as people say they expect large movment of visa dates for EB3 in Dec 2007 bulletin. So keep your fingers crossed and sit tight.
Also if you think your have credential which can classify you in Eb2 category try filing another 140. I did same. I originally filed EB-2 NIW as I was invlove din developing a prostate cancer drug in AMerica. BUt upon seeing this retrogression etc for INdia taking place I though it would take me forever to get GC so applied for EB-1A, also got approved since had srtong credentials. FIled all applications byt myself carefully. Seems to have worked.

If you are near DC or Philly area I can atleast give zinchak a treat.
Convince whom? Cant u do it yourself.

Sure u r welcome for treat. BTW where r u now, what profession and whats ur designation/ field of work in USA. Where form in India ???
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mogambo1, you shouldn't be editing your first post - it is really confusing to read it and follow through.
Case Update:

11/14/2007: Received 2 e-mails from CRIS: Approval Notice sent and Notice sent welcoming permanent resident.

Read my first post oin this thread about my case wgere derivative got the card while I being primary still waiting for actual approval notice and actual card

mogambo1, you shouldn't be editing your first post - it is really confusing to read it and follow through.