What does "pending" mean ...

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To bhanu, myladoor, and others ..
What does "pending decision" mean .. does it mean the case has been reviewed or that the case has not yet been reviewed or it is it on hold ? Thanks.
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Technically, It could be anything but most likely it is waiting to be reviewed..

I called IIO twice in a span of 2 weeks and one IIO told me that my application is being reviewed and the other said it is pending..

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I was also told that my case is pending....when I asked again what that means, the IIO told me that it has not yet been assigned to an officer.
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I also called IIO last Friday(5/4), she told me the same thing that "my file is still pending". Then I ask is it being assigned to officer? she said "I can not tell you that but you should give us a call if you do not hear anything in 30-60 days.
I got totally confused with her answer "still pending"!
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You got the "pending" answer when you called the second time or the first. I am wondering if your case has been reviewed and is pending decision. Anyway what I am trying to figure (as this board has several such unscientific studies) whether pending comes before or after review. OK, the person who answers the correct order wins a phone with automatic 50-time redial

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Hi guys
  Please post your info so that we can know at what stage you are getting this info ( i hope this is final stage after FP ). But we need your PD/ND/FP Date

Kannan Ramanathan