What does it mean?


Registered Users (C)
"An application or petition with a REceipt Notice date listed above should be processed within 30 days of this notice. If the receipt date on your Receipt Notice shows an earlier date and 30 days have passed since that receipt date, please send an inquiry to fax number (949)389-3485. If you applied after the indicated date, we are not processing you case tat this time."

I have often wondered myself about this. It's about the JIT date, I presume. Here's the best explanation I found in this group after a lot of investigation:

You have a ND on your filing receipt. That's the first important date.
There is a JIT date for a certain kind of case, that's second important date.
There's the JIT issuance date, that's the third date.
The sentence says - you can fax an inquiry but only after the following two statements are truw:
1. JIT date is later than ND
2. Today's date is later than JIT issuance date by at least 30 days.

Example: Your ND for AP is 5/13. JIT date for AP is 5/12. JIT issued on 9/18. You can fax an inquiry if
1. JIT date is later than ND (it is, by one day)
2. Today's date is later than JIT issuance date by at least 30 days that means 9/18 + 30 which makes it possible for you to send a fax inquiry on 10/19 or later (if your AP is not approved by that time, of course)
0. JIT date: Some date
1. JIT "Now processing cases receipted': MM/DD/YYYY
2. If your case date = MM/DD/YY above, then likely it will get approved in 30 days from JIT date
3. If your case date earlier than MM/DD/YYYY .AND. todays' date >(your case date+30), feel free to fax us.
JIT says now processing 12/16/2001.

So your case is not even recognized till they come out with a new JIT date equal to or greater than your case date.

Call the Customer service line and get them to send written inqiuiry to CSC. Then you call them one month later...then you call them one month later.....you get the picture....Hopefully after the third call your case will be approved. So damn close.....:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by ruxrux
Example: Your ND for AP is 5/13. JIT date for AP is 5/12. JIT issued on 9/18. You can fax an inquiry if
1. JIT date is later than ND (it is, by one day)
2. Today's date is later than JIT issuance date by at least 30 days that means 9/18 + 30 which makes it possible for you to send a fax inquiry on 10/19 or later (if your AP is not approved by that time, of course)

On 10/01/03 new JIT is released - 5/12, now, you can fax an inquiry only on 10/01 + 30, that is 11/01, but

On 10/15/03 new JIT is released - 5/12, now, you can fax an inquiry only on 10/15 + 30, that is 11/15, but ....:confused:
Originally posted by Tasse
I'm stupid today. My receipt notice date is December 19, 2001. What should I do?

Tasse, as soon as a JIT comes out with 485 date 12/20 or later, start counting 30 days. On day #31, send an inquiry to division 1. Follow instructions from CSC Manual - I think you can send an inquiry to division 12 after 15 days or so.