What does experts say? Wait more?


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I am kind of getting restless now. My name check has been pending for 2 years now. I talked to the local USCIS office, Congressman's office and Senator's office. All of them tell me that this long wait is NOT unusual. However, posts on this forum suggest otherwise.

I am in kind of dilemma. I won't mind waiting more as long as I am assured that my case is in queue with FBI. I just wonder if my case is lost in between departments.

I went to local USCIS office today and they told me that security check is pending (as usual). At this point I am considering these in order:

1. Letter to FBI
2. Letter to Ombdudsman
3. Writ of Mandamus

Please advice if anything else would help.
Send an email to FBINNCP@ic.fbi.gov. They will respond you within 5-6 months. This is normal and I know someone who is waiting since about 3 years now. Hope it will end soon.

Good Luck.

memme said:
I am kind of getting restless now. My name check has been pending for 2 years now. I talked to the local USCIS office, Congressman's office and Senator's office. All of them tell me that this long wait is NOT unusual. However, posts on this forum suggest otherwise.

I am in kind of dilemma. I won't mind waiting more as long as I am assured that my case is in queue with FBI. I just wonder if my case is lost in between departments.

I went to local USCIS office today and they told me that security check is pending (as usual). At this point I am considering these in order:

1. Letter to FBI
2. Letter to Ombdudsman
3. Writ of Mandamus

Please advice if anything else would help.
Well, I have tried sending email to that address in October 2005. Still waiting on reply. My FOIPA request was honored and it came back with no records. So, does it mean that I have better chance for lawsuit?
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That is horrible that you have had to wait almost 2years, what do Attorneys say about this?
Where are you from if you dont mind me asking, I can't understand how some people get their GC in 91 days and others are stuck in a name check and have to wait in excess of a year?????
WHy would I Be mad? :confused: I am actually happy for you, That is great that you got your interview in 91 days :cool:

I feel bad for those who have to wait for name check as long as memme.
I am from India. Just that my last name (Kumar) happens to be a very common one. I guess that's the only reason I can think for the delay.
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memme said:
I am from India. Just that my last name (Kumar) happens to be a very common one. I guess that's the only reason I can think for the delay.

OK. just to close this thread. I am going to take action. Letters are going out this weekend to local USCIS, FBI and Ombudsman. If no favorable action is taken witin a month, I am going for mandamus lawsuit.

Thanks everyone for inputs and encouragements. You guys rock.
memme said:
OK. just to close this thread. I am going to take action. Letters are going out this weekend to local USCIS, FBI and Ombudsman. If no favorable action is taken witin a month, I am going for mandamus lawsuit.

Thanks everyone for inputs and encouragements. You guys rock.

memme ,

Be sure to include the time line -
Date you tried to contact them
How you tried to contact them - (Email - Letter - Phone )

Do not forget to mention that You are considering legal action if you dont hear from them in 30 days .

There is a thread on HOW TO FILE by Publicus

Here is a thread by Lazerthegreat -This is a different case , but the process is the same .

Check this thread , it deals with name check issues with I-485

Good Luck and keep us posted .
He memme,

I am in a similar situationwith the only difference is that my name check is pending for a little over 20 months. I have talked to and exchanged emails with congressman, senator and wrote one way emails and letters to FBI ombudsman office and USCIS. Last week I send out official mails to everybody to make my case stronger as well as another FOIPA request. Hosever, I did not mention that I am thinking of filing a law siut. I guess i'll write a follow-up letter and mention that to them. Once I get replies (or no reply rather), I start the WOM. Please keep me posted on your progress and I'll do the same.
memme said:
OK. just to close this thread. I am going to take action. Letters are going out this weekend to local USCIS, FBI and Ombudsman. If no favorable action is taken witin a month, I am going for mandamus lawsuit.

Thanks everyone for inputs and encouragements. You guys rock.

I have a friend who is in the same situation and has been waiting for about 1.5 years for his name check to clear, I think that his problem is that his first name and last name both are very common. Good luck memme!
I don't know if filing the lawsuit has ever helped anyone with the FBI name check although I have heard people with other issues who got stuck being successful with this option.
My I 485 receipt date is July,2003 and I got the interview in Aug, 2005. I haven't heard anything ever since. I went to local office (NYC) and was told my case is under FBI clearance. I don't know what to do either.
Thanks everyone for sharing the information about your situation. I sure will keep you updated with the progress. My first step is to get the ProSe package which I will get by this weekend.