What does 'Detailed Review' mean?


Registered Users (C)

My lawyer checked my status with CIS and got an email reply saying the case is under 'detailed review' and please allow sufficient time.

Is this an canned answer? Does it tell which phase my case is at now? Before namecheck, during namecheck, or after namecheck? Anyone has similar experience?

Thank you!

2nd FP done
Detailed Review, WAC03049*****

Response from my lawyer after 2nd FP on Aug 14,2004.

"I received a response back from the CSC regarding your I-485 applications.

Your case is undergoing detailed review. I'll let you know as soon as I receive your approval notices or any other correspondence from CSC regarding your case."

RD Nov 2002.
FP1 Feb 2003
FP2 Aug 2004
Approval: :confused: ???

WAC03-049 Nov 2002, Detailed review

Response from my lawyer after 2nd FP on Aug 14,2004.

"I received a response back from the CSC regarding your I-485 applications.

Your case is undergoing detailed review. I'll let you know as soon as I receive your approval notices or any other correspondence from CSC regarding your case."

Dont know when the f**k they are going to get done with their detailed reviews.....

RD Nov 2002.
FP1 Feb 2003
FP2 Aug 2004
Approval: :confused: ???

Same here.

I emailed CSC and here's the message from CSC:

These cases are undergoing detailed review. Please allow sufficient
time for processing.

2nd FP done in 3/2004
ND: 9/2002

I got the similar msg from CSC, which also said my case is under detailed review. I also got a call from a guy, who is in charge of responding to the inquiry, telling me I'm under name check. I recall one posting here ever said his name check took one and a half year. :eek: Let's pray for some miracles which perhaps will guide us get out of this dire straights.
undergoing "detailed review" means case is waiting for FBI name check. At least everyone who was able to get more specific answer after receiving "undergoing detailed review" message, found that his/her case was waiting for FBI name check.

My lawyer got "undergoing detailed review" answer on 11/04 and I called CSC emergency line and the lady told me that my case was waiting for FBI namecheck. It was quite unexpected because the previous letter I got from CSC said that my case was "currently with officer under adjudication".
yes. I am the one with FBI name check pending

since March 13, 03. My local congressman did a inquiry with FBI
with me, and got a reponse that 'FBI is going to take as long
as they like". Congressman's ofice told me that is all they
can to. I basically gave up, and pondering legitation against
FBI. Anyone on the same boat can email me.

Wac02-241. EB-1 OR.
FP2 cleared on June 04.
can someone tell me, how do I know that my case if under name check with FBI? help me. can it happen after second FP?
No Single Source Of Truth


The answers i got from FBI,INS , 1-800 NUMBER and Emegency number all differ.
Obiviously no body gives damn s----t about us.

There is no firm rules which says First in first out.

Its their will and thats what we are seeing ( 2004 RD are getting approved and we 2001 and 2002 filers are waiting , only to be told that our cases are undergoing security check).

In my case fbi name check is done, 2nd fp done and rfe is received.

I guess its all gamble and there is no proper procedure for adjudicating the 1-485's as lot of these people are new hires and lack proper training.

Lets make a list of all 2001 and 2002 filers who are waiting and send the list to rajiv for his lawsiut list.

Guys what do you think , i will take the responsiblilty of doing the list , if you are intersted please add in your names .
