• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

What does "CURRENT" actually mean??

Yeah, I know but I was thinking probably there is some mathematical formula to seal the info also, so no matter what we try to do, we can't possibly figure it out. So might as well we put this CN case to rest.

Don't you guys think so?
interview date

Hi Alemetmee, thanks for the reply. the first digit of my case number is 9** in South America . From your experience do u know when my interview will be scheduled roughly?

another questions: what are the common reasons winners of dv lottery, although scheduled for interview, fail to get a visa?
Well I see your case number is: 2009SA00000*** for AS region it would be better to know the first digit of the three you have *** out as this will have a big bearing on when your case will be scheduled for interview. I would imagine that if you have recently been though a security check then you will most likely not have a problem getting another one. I have only ever lived in the UK or Ireland, not sure what difference that makes. Worst case scenario you have to wait 6 weeks, but they tend to place a higher importance on immigrant visas, at least in the Dublin consulate. For example they issue immigrant visas on the same day, non immigrant ones are mailed back or picked up at a later date.

Cant help you with a marriage cert, as I am not married, I’d have a look on Google.
See here for info on Irish police cert:

I did not have an affidavit of support, and got the visa, so I don’t think that they are 100% necessary. Some consulates seem to want them in other countries more. As to the amount of money? I’d say at least what I had each or about 12,000 + euro. But that’s just a guess. The more the better I suppose :), very difficult to save money living in one of the most expensive countries in the world.
Hi Alemetmee, thanks for the reply. the first digit of my case number is 9** in South America . From your experience do u know when my interview will be scheduled roughly?

another questions: what are the common reasons winners of dv lottery, although scheduled for interview, fail to get a visa?
Hi Alemetmee, thanks for the reply. the first digit of my case number is 9** in South America . From your experience do u know when my interview will be scheduled roughly?

another questions: what are the common reasons winners of dv lottery, although scheduled for interview, fail to get a visa?

I would say December/January time. You should know in November. I don’t officially know why people may not get the visa’s but I would guess:

Lack of funds
Security clearance issues
Committed crimes
Failed medical.
Does anyone know if it is too late to contact kcc for updating my file if my number is already current in september.. i have not received my 2nd NL
Does anyone know if it is too late to contact kcc for updating my file if my number is already current in september.. i have not received my 2nd NL
It's never too late, unless it's something as serious as changing from AOS to CP or vice-versa, for other changes KCC will just forward the info to pertinent embassy.

I would say December/January time. You should know in November. I don’t officially know why people may not get the visa’s but I would guess:

Lack of funds
Security clearance issues
Committed crimes
Failed medical.

Hi there, my number is 2009SA000000**
When do you think that it could be my interview?
Thanks I aprecciate your help
la1 My number is 2009SA00000*** When do you think my interview will be. I am resident in the UK. Many thanks
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He there gallbladder, I had my interview in the US embassy in Balsbridge. To be honest the interview was really the easy part. The hard part was the constant waiting month after month after month for the Visa bulletins. I had a relatively high case number, 252XX. To give you an idea, I first got my NL in May 2007. Then I had to wait 13 months for an interview. As soon as the interview was scheduled I had all my documents ready for me a single guy the list of docs were:

1) Irish birth certificate
2) Passport for the visa
3) UK and Ireland Police certificates (lived in UK for a while)
4) Degree certificate from DCU (brought “high school cert” but not asked for)
5) Bank statement, I had about €6 k in savings, P60 and 2 wage slips to prove earnings.
6) Fee for DV ($775)
7) Completed medical (done two weeks before at a cost of €317)

I went into the Embassy, was called to the first window to pay. Then the second window to hand over my documents. Then the third window was the actual interview. He asked me how much money I had earned in the last 12 months. Then he asked me what part of the US I was going to move to, I told him Washington DC, he replied, “that’s where I am from!“ and then after that he said he would do his best to have my visa issued that day. I sat back down waited for about an hour and a half and then my passport arrived with the visa in it. That was it. really straight forward.
Let me know if you have any further questions ….


HI there Alemitme.
My case number is 2009SA000000XX
When do you think that is going to be my interview?
On the queestion of the DS230, "Permanent addres in the US where you intend to live....."
I wrote the address of my uncle in Miami, but he is on procces to get his GC. did I made a mistake writing his addres?? because he is not a Legal Permanent Residence yet?

THanks to everyone,

Best regards.
I wrote the address of my uncle in Miami, but he is on procces to get his GC. did I made a mistake writing his addres?? because he is not a Legal Permanent Residence yet?
It doesnt matter if he is a permanent resident. As long as the address is valid you can also use the one from Mickey Mouse in Disney World ;)

My case number is 2009SA000000XX
Cut-off for South America region is 375 for October, with your two digit number expect the interview in October. Time to collect all papers.
It doesnt matter if he is a permanent resident. As long as the address is valid you can also use the one from Mickey Mouse in Disney World ;)

Cut-off for South America region is 375 for October, with your two digit number expect the interview in October. Time to collect all papers.

Thanks Tazmania, your answer is very helpful, one last question please:
IF my interview at the embassy should be on Octuber, when Im goin to receive the Second notification letter?? on september? after or before the interview? my local mail its very slow. Im scare if I my 2NL arrives to late or something. may I ask my interview and requirements by email to the KCC?

THank you
hpccs, as KCC already published the numbers for October you can call them and asked for your interview date. However, the 2nd letter is not very import, Do a search and you'll find it somewhere here in the forum.

hpccs, as KCC already published the numbers for October you can call them and asked for your interview date. However, the 2nd letter is not very import, Do a search and you'll find it somewhere here in the forum.

Hi there Tazmania, I called Today, and the gilr said that I have to call on september 15. And that my interview should be on November, because my documents arrived late to the KCC.
Thank you

please hpccs, when did you return your forms?

Hi Samko,

It was on august 3. because I receive them on july 28. The forms really arrive my house on june, but the idiot who works cleaning my house never notify me about the letter!!! :) lol
Hi Guys
Please let me know How you know or how you understnd your number is current? As because they they mention only region suppose ASIA 1200 so how u count or how u undertsnd that your number is current?