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What does "CURRENT" actually mean??


New Member
I know that "Current" in theory means that all qualified applicants will get a visa number and a chance to interview. But I don't understand what really happens. I mean if a country has not reached the 3500 limit and the region is C does that mean other people from that country are guaranteed a interview slot???

And where the hell is alemitmee these days?? He seems to be lost. Does anyone know his whereabouts??
I know that "Current" in theory means that all qualified applicants will get a visa number and a chance to interview. But I don't understand what really happens. I mean if a country has not reached the 3500 limit and the region is C does that mean other people from that country are guaranteed a interview slot???

And where the hell is alemitmee these days?? He seems to be lost. Does anyone know his whereabouts??

I was actually in Edinburgh for the weekend, so I was not really near my computer all that much.
You are correct in your assumption as far as I know darkhorse.
I was surprised that the AF region did not go current this year. Its such a shame for all those with High case numbers for AF. Unfortunately the demand for visas from AF is just very very strong, and of curse not everyone can get a visa. I was not sure that I would even get one myself, and right up till the day it was issued I was still living my life as normal. Only now have I begun to tell people I am moving as I did not want to tempt fate in case my # did not become current.
I know that "Current" in theory means that all qualified applicants will get a visa number and a chance to interview

I don't agree. The only thing "Current" means (when applied to a region) is that the visa numbers apportioned to that particular region have been so far under-subscribed. Therefore all applicants in said region can apply for a visa number. Nothing more. No guarantees and no promises.. Just a chance to apply for a visa number for everyone in that region.
Interview In ireland

Hi almetttee, I am new to this forum. I am based in Ireland. I am a winner of DV 2009. Did u have interview in dublin? would you mind telling me about your interview experience there? what questions you got asked and what was the most difficult part of the whole process? Many thanks in advance:)
I was actually in Edinburgh for the weekend, so I was not really near my computer all that much.
You are correct in your assumption as far as I know darkhorse.
I was surprised that the AF region did not go current this year. Its such a shame for all those with High case numbers for AF. Unfortunately the demand for visas from AF is just very very strong, and of curse not everyone can get a visa. I was not sure that I would even get one myself, and right up till the day it was issued I was still living my life as normal. Only now have I begun to tell people I am moving as I did not want to tempt fate in case my # did not become current.
Hi alemitmee, I am new to this forum. I am based in Ireland. I am a winner of DV 2009. Did u have interview in dublin? would you mind telling me about your interview experience there? what questions you got asked and what was the most difficult part of the whole process? Many thanks in advance:)
Hi alemitmee, I am new to this forum. I am based in Ireland. I am a winner of DV 2009. Did u have interview in dublin? would you mind telling me about your interview experience there? what questions you got asked and what was the most difficult part of the whole process? Many thanks in advance:)

He there gallbladder, I had my interview in the US embassy in Balsbridge. To be honest the interview was really the easy part. The hard part was the constant waiting month after month after month for the Visa bulletins. I had a relatively high case number, 252XX. To give you an idea, I first got my NL in May 2007. Then I had to wait 13 months for an interview. As soon as the interview was scheduled I had all my documents ready for me a single guy the list of docs were:

1) Irish birth certificate
2) Passport for the visa
3) UK and Ireland Police certificates (lived in UK for a while)
4) Degree certificate from DCU (brought “high school cert” but not asked for)
5) Bank statement, I had about €6 k in savings, P60 and 2 wage slips to prove earnings.
6) Fee for DV ($775)
7) Completed medical (done two weeks before at a cost of €317)

I went into the Embassy, was called to the first window to pay. Then the second window to hand over my documents. Then the third window was the actual interview. He asked me how much money I had earned in the last 12 months. Then he asked me what part of the US I was going to move to, I told him Washington DC, he replied, “that’s where I am from!“ and then after that he said he would do his best to have my visa issued that day. I sat back down waited for about an hour and a half and then my passport arrived with the visa in it. That was it. really straight forward.
Let me know if you have any further questions ….

Thank you very much alemitmee for the information. I anxious about the processing time to get the immigrant visa as I am originally from Venezuella and my wife from middle east. I hope they will not do any background check for me or for my wife. I had a background check for visitor visa and it took exatly 6 weeks to get the visitor visa

Any idea where I can get a marriage certificate and police certificate in Ireland?

Do u know how much money would I need in an Irish bank for me and my wife if i do not have affidavit of support? or is affidavit of support compulsory?
Thank you very much alemitmee for the information. I anxious about the processing time to get the immigrant visa as I am originally from Venezuella and my wife from middle east. I hope they will not do any background check for me or for my wife. I had a background check for visitor visa and it took exatly 6 weeks to get the visitor visa

Well I see your case number is: 2009SA00000*** for AS region it would be better to know the first digit of the three you have *** out as this will have a big bearing on when your case will be scheduled for interview. I would imagine that if you have recently been though a security check then you will most likely not have a problem getting another one. I have only ever lived in the UK or Ireland, not sure what difference that makes. Worst case scenario you have to wait 6 weeks, but they tend to place a higher importance on immigrant visas, at least in the Dublin consulate. For example they issue immigrant visas on the same day, non immigrant ones are mailed back or picked up at a later date.

Any idea where I can get a marriage certificate and police certificate in Ireland?

Cant help you with a marriage cert, as I am not married, I’d have a look on Google.
See here for info on Irish police cert:

Do u know how much money would I need in an Irish bank for me and my wife if i do not have affidavit of support? or is affidavit of support compulsory?

I did not have an affidavit of support, and got the visa, so I don’t think that they are 100% necessary. Some consulates seem to want them in other countries more. As to the amount of money? I’d say at least what I had each or about 12,000 + euro. But that’s just a guess. The more the better I suppose :), very difficult to save money living in one of the most expensive countries in the world.
Dear All,

As i know so far, actually the current means, After the publication of visa bulletine for the particular months, when it appears current for cut of numbers (case number like in july asia -13400 ) those person who have below number than 13400, can apply for interview or their appointment date with us consulate will be fixed.
But in August, we see that the cut off numbers of asia is CURRENT, it means the person whose case number is more than 13400 will have not any appointment and they couldn't get second letter. visa number for that particular region has finished.

Because, the total number of visas for DV is 50000, they select around 96000 in 2008, pls count the spouse and childrens of those selected (principal applicant) . Remember ! in 2007 just 43000 dv visas had issued. So, it's very hard to proceed for everyone when it appears current. ( sorry for those who have bigger case number)
with regards
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But in August, we see that the cut off numbers of asia is CURRENT, it means the person whose case number is more than 13400 will have not any appointment and they couldn't get second letter. visa number for that particular region has finished.
If you dont have a clue how things are working, stop writing that kind of crap :mad:

Current means that for all regional lottery rank numbers visas are available - nothing else dude!
hey tazmania !

neither you belongs to kcc nor me. we have just assume about it. i have already write down that, as far i know.
any way, my intention is clear, i dont want to hurt other people. If high number cases can apply when the current appears than its wonderful for me. thanks for your suggesstion.

But, here is small querrie,
i am little bit confused, because, remember in 2007 just about 43000 person (including principle applicant, spouses and theirs children) got dv visa for usa.
For 2008, total selectee are about 96000 and we must count their spose and children.
then how it is possible to issue visa for all while the region appears current. let advise me.
Dear All,

As i know so far, actually the current means, After the publication of visa bulletine for the particular months, when it appears current for cut of numbers (case number like in july asia -13400 ) those person who have below number than 13400, can apply for interview or their appointment date with us consulate will be fixed.
But in August, we see that the cut off numbers of asia is CURRENT, it means the person whose case number is more than 13400 will have not any appointment and they couldn't get second letter. visa number for that particular region has finished.

Because, the total number of visas for DV is 50000, they select around 96000 in 2008, pls count the spouse and childrens of those selected (principal applicant) . Remember ! in 2007 just 43000 dv visas had issued. So, it's very hard to proceed for everyone when it appears current. ( sorry for those who have bigger case number)
with regards

I think you are mixed Up!
It simply means:-

Current means that for all regional lottery rank numbers visas are available - nothing else dude!
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hey, this is my assumption that :

asian case number system is quite different from last year.

there is total 14002 winners.

In my assumption, if some one's case number is one then pls count his/her spouse and children, (suppose case number 1 have 3 children and a spouse) , then the another persons case number in asia will be 5, like this .....

Assume that, total selectee 14002 (real), total number of spouses of those selectees ( around ( 9000 - 11000), total number of children of those selectees ( 15000 - 18000).

If it so, then it can be happened. by this some one's case number should be more than 42000.
Remember ! If case 1 get the visa, by this, another 4 selectee (principal applicant cant get their visa).

This is just my calculation. what you all think about it ?

with regards.
I found something here...

and I got this...

Case Number: The National Visa Center (NVC) gives each immigrant petition a case number. This number has three letters followed by ten digits (numbers). The three letters are an abbreviation for the overseas embassy or consulate that will process the immigrant visa case (for example, GUZ for Guangzhou, CDJ for Ciudad Juarez).

The digits tell us exactly when NVC created the case. For example a case with the number MNL2001747003 would be a case assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Manila. 2001 is the year in which NVC received the case from the USCIS (formerly INS). The Julian date is 747 plus 500, so this case was created on September 4, 2001, the 247th day of the year. The 003 shows that it was the third case created for Manila on that day. This case number is not the same as the USCIS receipt number, which is written on the Notice of Action, Form I-797, from the USCIS. A consular section abroad cannot find a case if all you have is the USCIS receipt number.

Can somebody explain further?
Lets see it

I found something here...

and I got this...

Case Number: The National Visa Center (NVC) gives each immigrant petition a case number. This number has three letters followed by ten digits (numbers). The three letters are an abbreviation for the overseas embassy or consulate that will process the immigrant visa case (for example, GUZ for Guangzhou, CDJ for Ciudad Juarez).

The digits tell us exactly when NVC created the case. For example a case with the number MNL2001747003 would be a case assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Manila. 2001 is the year in which NVC received the case from the USCIS (formerly INS). The Julian date is 747 plus 500, so this case was created on September 4, 2001, the 247th day of the year. The 003 shows that it was the third case created for Manila on that day. This case number is not the same as the USCIS receipt number, which is written on the Notice of Action, Form I-797, from the USCIS. A consular section abroad cannot find a case if all you have is the USCIS receipt number.

Can somebody explain further?


As i know, this case number is for immigriants visa, who is seeking for inter USA as a worker or family based visa. Not for dv lottery. Look, MNL2001747003 this case number is different. In dv case their must the symbole of region Like AF, AS, EU etc, not country name.

with regards