What does 2nd FP mean ?


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Need inputs from expert.

I received notice for 2nd FP today (March 22, '02 receipt date, some where in May 03 first FP) .
I have two queries :-
a) Does this means that my file is actually touched or is it just an automated system generated 2nd FP notice to all those whose first FP expired ?
b) Can I still expect an RFE before or after the 2nd FP ?

Thanks all.
What I heard that it is automated ......
I am Feb'02 case and havn't got 2nd FP so far but all I am hearing is that it would automatically come ...
Theory says that FP1 will expire after 15 months and a notice for second FP will be sent automatically by the system if the case is not yet assigned to an officer.
In this case at a later date the officer may issue an RFE.

It's also beleived that if the case is touched by the officer and FP1 is close to expiry date , FP2 may not be sent.

If the officer touches the case and issues an RFE , the may officer may also request a second FP if FP1 has expired.

So in summary if you have passed 15 months since FP1, you can expect notice for FP2 before or after RFE.
You gotta keep things in perspective. Whether 2FP is generated automatically or issued by an officer is irrelevant. What's important is what happens after 2FP. If everything goes in accordance with the current trends, your case will be touched in 2-4 months after 2FP. That could mean approval, RFE or transfer.
I think what timaeuti said is right.

And I don't believe all 2nd FP notices are automatically generated. There are so many people with ND 2001 haven't received 2nd FP notice yet. There is no logical reasoning for BCIS or BCIS doesn't want you to understand its process. and this has been firmly confirmed many times.