What Documents you need from the spouse for I-140 and I485.


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Hello All,
I have a strange problem here. I am applying for my I-140 and I-485 and looks like my wife will be travelling to india this month(sept) end. We have completed our Medical Exams and all my experience letter with the Birth certificates are kind of ready. We should be in a position to apply before she leaves. My question is what exactly is required to apply for the I-140 and I-485 from my wife. Also we have a baby 8 months old who is a citizen hence i dont need any paper work for him. Should i delay their journey till the application process is done. Kind of confused , please suggest.
Thanks in advance!
She has to sign the I485 form and I765(EAD) & I131(AP) forms, if you are applying for them. Other than BC & Medical certificate, I don't think she needs any other paper.

Good luck
Thanks mdu123

I appreciate your post. Does it required for her to be present in the country for filing these or it does not matter. Again i am pretty sure that it will happen before she leaves but we never know what may come across. So what i was having a question was does one needs to be present in this country for Applying the I-485 and I-140 or you can apply if you have the correct documents.
Thanks Again,
I don't think her physical presence is necessary for applying. Just take care that her H4 is valid on reentry. So even if her EAD & AP were approved when she was abroad, it will not affect her status and she can come back with her valid H4. Or else she have to come back on AP and technically speaking a person should be in US when an AP is approved.

Hope this helps.

Thanks again.

Hello mdu123,
Thanks again...
We have received our revalidated passports and my wife has valid h-4 till Dec 2004. So coming back on valid H-4 will not be an issue. I dont expect INS to be so fast to issue us the AP or EAD with in 3 months. But will it be a problem to get your AP/EAD when you are out of this country. No sure about it , do you have any idea regarding this.
Hi gcrelated2003

How long it took for you get passport stamped?

I have sent my passport for revalidation on Aug 20.

Revalidateion info : love_immi

Hello love_immi,
Well for me it took nearly 16 weeks but it varies from person2 person. I am sure you might have checked it out the revalidation section of this forum, just in case you have not, this is the link.
If DOS works with the same efficiency that they have showed in the past 8 months then i would say you can expect your passports back duly stamped in the month of November. Again it could be a lot before also as i am purely guessing.