What documents are required when applying for F1 visa


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Hi All, pls help ..my brother is applying for F1 visa at Bombay, India ... I will be sponsoring his education here ..He has an I120 from the university here .. what documents does he need to carry with him at time of visa app ... what are the chances of him getting the visa ?
Thanks in advance for ur help........
Certificates and affidavit of financial support

Most important documents are his affidavit of financial support, transcripts, no objection letter if working for some Govt. agency, birth certificate and so on.
No Title

Is it better to get sponsor from U.S. or have funds available in the native country. Any suggestion??
High School student funds questions

My mother, husband and I want to help my brother go to a private high school here in the U.S. We have recieved their acceptance of him and have been told we will recieve his I-20 (?) which he will have to take to the U.S. embassy in his home country.

Here are some of the problems we are facing:
- my mother immigrated here just this year but she has not applied for my brother to immigrate (the state dept told us by phone that as long as no one has applied for him to immigrate, that his I-20 could be reviewed normally)

- Since our mother is here in the U.S. we do not have anyone to pledge their financial funds for him. But my mother is working for the U.S. gov't and my husband is in the military who has signed the application to show he is willing to sponser him

- My mother can not travel back to her home country to accompany my brother (her son) due to her new job, but I can go
How does this look to you? Thank you,