What do Mr Khanna & AILA have to say about this?


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It is very interesting that Mr. Rajiv Khanna has not shed any light on the freeze and I haven't seen any other immigration lawyers or for that matter even AILA say anythign about the freeze.

You would think they would be doing something with the INS to help their clients. The only answer that every lawyer has been giving is that they don't know and that we have to wait.

I even tried calling the local Senator but could not get hold of anyone. Had to leave a message.

I think the AILA and people like Rajiv Khanna who are well known attorneys should voice a concern / opinion on our behalf. They are the only ones who can probably make a difference.
I could not agree more!

I have read a lot about calling our congressman, signing petitions, asking my attorney about the situation and guess what? Nothing, no real evidence of intent to ferret our solutions on our behalf are forthcoming.

The people who have sincere power are our Attorneys and Aila. I certainly would like to see our Attorneys step up to the plate and fight our battle. Please believe me, I am not accusing Mr Khanna of doing nothing. But most assuredly, this is the most pressing issue for Immagrants right now ... the I-485 ... This is the 'Holy Grail' as it were and I am not reading anything on various Attorney websites about -:

a) The freeze in NSC
b) Perspectives about DHS and how that may affect our plight
c) Any insight into what the problem may be.

My heart bleeds for everyone waiting for approval (me too ...) but I find it completely pointless phoning an IIO, yet I understand why people do. Information. Simple as that. We need information, and if the esteemed (and I sincerely mean this) Mr Khanna can proffer an opion, I would be most grateful.
Well, the attorneys are silent and no one is pressing the IIOs to approve. There are 2 reasons that you should know. I read this probably on immigration-law or some other immi web site.

The IIOs have been strictly instructed that they and only they are solely responsible for bearing the responsibility of any any screw up resulting due to an approval of a case. This means anything happens and a question is raised as to why a particular case was approved, the IIO is sure to get fired, initiated legal action against and so on. This resulted due to some IIOs in New York approving a citizenship case for a guy with suspected Hezbolla links back in Oct 2002. Those officers were fired.

Thus, IIOs say screw the approvals, we don't care if case gets approved or not. We will just keep sending RFEs. Why the hell we shud bear the responsibilty of an approval. So they pawn off the responsibility of final approval to their supervisor, who says why the hell shud I approve it, it's not my job (typical govt bureaucracy).

The second reason is that per instructions from attorney general or may be some other senior bureaucrat, they are saying that if any attorney acts tough, make sure all of his cases are scrutinized thoroughly, and give them hell on his/her cases. That is the only way to keep the attorneys quiet. So attorneys are afraid to make any noise.

That leaves us with AILA. They are the only legit sources we can use to lobby with INS. While I'm sure they are doing their bit, they have not been forthcoming with any credible info as to why cases are still not being approved.

All said and done, INS / NSC this time around really mean business.
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