What differece are there between the regular GC and asylum GC?


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What differece are there between the regular GC and asylum GC?
Who know what mean the AS6 in the Category of the GC?
What is the Category of the regular GC ?

My friend's Catalog is AS6 in his GC, he is asylum green card.
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It's the same green card, no difference in look. Yes yours will say category AS6 or AS5, but you can barely see it. (at least on mine). My friend who got his through marriage to a U.S citizen has an "IR" or something like that (IR=immediate relative). I'm sure there are more categories but those are the only ones I can remember.
If I take the GC of category AS5 or AS6 and going to my country, Will the Immigration Department know the GC is asylum when I come back from my country.
I will be rejected to the USA?
CIS will be 100% know what type of GC u r carrying. because all kind of IDs are mechine read in the port.
Going back home?

Yes they will catch you and you will be denied admission to the US for the next 50 yrs.
How about a US passport


we've figured out that their is a category classification when it comes to green cards. How about naturalization? Will your US passport indicate that your naturalization took place through an asylum process?
passport does not show any such thing. It only lists your place of birth. Furthermore I dont believe they have a quick way to back track ones immigration record ie, how one natutalized.
to copper

I agree with you. I think the only reason they list your place of birth is that it's a common fact that if you were not a US citizen and were not born in the US, then you can't run for a president. I suppose that's really the only reason one would need this information on the passport. ;)