What date is NSC currently processing?


Registered Users (C)
Could anybody help me what date is NSC currently processing ?
And also I would like to know how long will it take to consider my case?

NSC currently processing pretty wide time window.
99% of ND\'s ranging from April 2000 to August 2000.
The other 1%? They are ND\'s of Sep 00 to Dec 00.
other 5% are from sep 00 to april 01

my guess it\'s bigger than 1%. yesterday I called and they said oct24, 00
Parasite was making a joke. You didn\'t get it. PTL, wait please....why are you in a hurry. NSC will

but there are cases where RD of mar/april 2001 are approved.

Ofcourse these are very few cases.
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Oct 26, 2000 is avg processing date. Meaning INS could be processing cases From May 2000 thru Mar. 2001.

Yes There is a chance that it may be approved if you are the lucky one
It is insane

I see some approvals from 2/01. There are bunch of people from Jul/Aug 00 still waiting. I am RD Aug 00, I just got an RFE. It is insane.
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Unfortunately there is nothing that you can do about it.
All of us were at the mercy of NSC. If you are lucky one, then they may pick up your case.
With 9 months of active surfing onto this web site, all i can conclude that NSC is processing the cases randomly with very large band of RD.

Example One day i see some one\'s case for May 00 is approved and someone with Mar 01 is approved too at any given time.

Hope this helps.