What are the medical requirements for filing 485?


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My husband is in India. So, what can we get few done there.
You information will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
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Probably can get immunizations done and get a the record,
if not already done(cheaper). Otherwise INS requires you
to go to their specified doctors in the US unless you are opting
for CP

I applied for I485,at that time my wife is pregnant so she didn\'t took any vaccinations.My lawyer told me that she is going to get a request back from Ins asking her to take the vaccinations.My question is does INS waits on my case(what i exactly mean was do we both going to get GC approval aT THE SAME TIME OR INS can approve my case first and my wif3e\'s case later)
Medicals given by INS approved doctors only

However, you can get the immunizations done in India But most INS approved doctors in US charge a flat fee for INS related medicals. So you end up paying anyway...

red321: you will get a medical RFE for your wife. But most likely you will get your approval first and no news about your wife\'s case. THen you need to cajole the IIO into issuing the approval (True story)