What are my options in this unfortunate situation?

Re: Re: dsatish

Originally posted by OmGV
Using AP doesn't invalidate H1B. Don't know, why others aren't offering u the same suggestion.
Gurus, correct me in case I am wrong, jsut to make sure.

One of the FAQ's says this....

The question is whether by using AP to re-enter to U.S.A. invalidate H status or not?

++++++++++++++It does not invalidate, but inactivates the H-1. When you enter using AP, technically, you are not entering on a visa. You are entering on Parole. If you wish to reactivate an existing H-1 in such a situation, just step outside USA and reenter using the old, unexpired H-1 visa.

dsatish, rajum and others

thanks for your suggestions. The situation is more clear now regarding all the options.

dsatish, your opinion is correct regarding if the situation is under control act according to practicality than by emotion. It appears that everything is control back home and my presence as of now is not absolutely necessary. I have decided to play safe for now and concentrate on getting a visitor visa for my mother around March/April month.

I would like to thank everyone for their help. Also my thanks to Rajiv Khanna for maintaining a site which is so humane.

Sorry to hear

Sorry to hear this sad new. My sincere condolences.
May GOD give you strength to bear this loss.