What are my chances for EB1-EA ...pls help


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I am a Post doc. My history is as follows

PhD from IITM India
CSIR-India Fellowship award
Few prizes
Several conference participations and presentations
6 journal articles - 5 first authored
25 citations total on all the articles
3 travel awards (1 International and 2 within US)
Two post docs...the second one is very prestigious - a Fellowship
One news highlight about my research
Acted as peer Reviewer for several journals
Membership in a couple of Societies
I can get reference letters from at least 7 people. 4 - collaborators and 3 -leaders in the field

Do I have a chance to make a case? I am very scared....Please let me know asap.

I am a Post doc. My history is as follows

PhD from IITM India
CSIR-India Fellowship award
Few prizes
Several conference participations and presentations
6 journal articles - 5 first authored
25 citations total on all the articles
3 travel awards (1 International and 2 within US)
Two post docs...the second one is very prestigious - a Fellowship
One news highlight about my research
Acted as peer Reviewer for several journals
Membership in a couple of Societies
I can get reference letters from at least 7 people. 4 - collaborators and 3 -leaders in the field

Do I have a chance to make a case? I am very scared....Please let me know asap.


Hi Vidhya

-there is no harm in trying. i would suggest to go ahead and give it a shot.
-publications, citations, review of manuscripts would work in your favor
-i am sure csir fellowship won't help a lot (I myself had one) but there is no harm in including
-one good thing is news highlight. does it also mention you by name, such as - Vidhya and coworkers showed this....if yes, that would be great ...otherwise also its a fair evidence

you mentioned you can get some letters...here are my suggestions -

- try to get letters from editors of the journals for whom you reviewed manuscripts.
- try to get letters from people who cited your paper. If you have a citation where they actually discuss your work (as opposed to just mentioning it)...that would be ideal.

take your time ......my best wishes
Thanks akmm. Especially for those two suggestions for reference letters. Actually I never thought about that. In fact some papers discuss my work and state that our work has helped their research.

I am planning to go through a lawyer. I will update as I go.

Thanks once again.
Thanks akmm. Especially for those two suggestions for reference letters. Actually I never thought about that. In fact some papers discuss my work and state that our work has helped their research.

I am planning to go through a lawyer. I will update as I go.

Thanks once again.


regarding letters, in addition to what I mentioned, do get the letters from leaders in your field.

I myself got letters from editor-in-chief/managing editors etc and also from people who cited my work....and I am sure it helped my case. I filed EB1A myself and never talked to any attorney...it was approved without any RFE.
Frankly keep NIW as a back up. EB1-EA is 50% credentials and 50% luck. You will be banking a lot on the latter.

Prizes do not count unless they are international/national with no limitations (anybody should be eligible)

6 articles is too low - this is a category to show you already have reached the top. Of course 6 will do if you have 100's of citations from them and other articles discussing your papers (not just referencing)

Travels wards dont count - so does post doc.

The following 2 count:
One news highlight about my research
Acted as peer Reviewer for several journals

Good luck.
I am a Post doc. My history is as follows

PhD from IITM India
CSIR-India Fellowship award
Few prizes
Several conference participations and presentations
6 journal articles - 5 first authored
25 citations total on all the articles
3 travel awards (1 International and 2 within US)
Two post docs...the second one is very prestigious - a Fellowship
One news highlight about my research
Acted as peer Reviewer for several journals
Membership in a couple of Societies
I can get reference letters from at least 7 people. 4 - collaborators and 3 -leaders in the field

Do I have a chance to make a case? I am very scared....Please let me know asap.
