What amounts to independent recom letter?


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For NIW applications, are following letters considered independent letters?
1. Letters from editor of journal who asked me to review manuscript for it.
2. Letters from researcher who has requested paper from me before.
3. Letters from co-authors at different institute.
I guess independent author should know you through your work, publication, presentation or something, but never work with you, or know you. 1& 2 is ok, but the 3rd is your collaborator.
If the letter-writer has been in your 'sphere of influence" ie a co-author on one or more papers, or a co-author on a grant, a departmental colleague or a collaborator, then she or he can not be by definition independent. It will be very difficult for a petitioner from say Top Two School of Medicine to justify that Prof Bigshot N Crazie from Top Two School of Medicine (he/she may be sitting in another campus many miles away) who has never collaborated and coauthored with you is independent.