Weird -status update message!!


Registered Users (C)
We had our FP appointment scheduled for end July and now our status shows as "On xx date FP results received and processing resumed". For the past 5-6 days this "xx" date changes to the current date i.e. today it shows as " On August 13, 2004 we received FP results and processing resumed blah blah" yesterday it was " On Aug 12, 2004 we received...." This has been happening for the past 5-6 days and the LUD changes accordingly.
Has anyone experienced this, are they really working on our case or is this a computer glitch? Anyone can throw some light, past experiences of approved guys/gals??? :confused:
Thanks in advance!!

We got our FPs done in July - 1st FP after 2 years of long wait!! I did post a message when I received my FP notice in June.
RD/ND May 2002
AD ????? :confused:

Don't worry about date if everyday change.......... TSC computer do have some humer..... :D ......

smile and relax....... :D

Good LUck
I have a very similar situation.
The LUD changed for few days after my FP was done. Latest was July16.
I think its a computer glitch.
Still waiting for AD.
ND: 06/2002
Thanks tiger123 and POJ for your responses. I was kinda hoping TSC was really working on our case but alas no such luck!!
And so the wait carries on............... :(