Weird status message


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys. My case has been approved yesterday, but at the same time my daughter case status message has been changed to "The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center."

Does anyone know what does it means? I talked to IIO today, but the only response I've got, that they will put manual request, and I should receive response by regular mail in three weeks. Any suggestions?
BCIS Computer system works just like physical IIO's. Infact, I believe most of the coding is lso doen by them, so as to be in Synch! Good luck.
I note this only happens to children and in the message it says "Your registration of .... has been approved." Very weird
Originally posted by dengdeng
I have seen this, it's normal. If you call the automated system, it says approved

Well, I call the automated system, but got the same response, and after reading me this response it immideaterly transfers me to the officer, who also has no clue.
Originally posted by dengdeng
I note this only happens to children and in the message it says "Your registration of .... has been approved." Very weird

It what message?
Then I don't know. I found those kind of message
and I call the 800 number and heard it's actually approvals
This is the standard happening to all those who have filed their kid's cases. Just ignore it. I have seen postings like this (like yours) hundreds of times. This message is due to some system bug. They never corrected their bug.
Originally posted by dsatish
This is the standard happening to all those who have filed their kid's cases. Just ignore it. I have seen postings like this (like yours) hundreds of times. This message is due to some system bug. They never corrected their bug.

OK, thank you. Now I can enjoy my ride :)
I had same message for my daughter on the web and telephone.
When we got approve notice by mail , We got my daughter 's approval notice too.