Weird Information from IIO


Registered Users (C)
Hi group,

RD: 11/6/01
RFE Rcvd: 03/12/03

I called up IIO for the first time yesterday, and got the information that my case has been transferred to Local(Milwaukee) office.

I got very upset, as you might know Milwaukee takes about 5 to six months to get interview date.

My online or AVM status was never changed. It still says "We rcvd your RFE on March 12th and...."

So, I decided to call IIO to answer the discrepancy. To my surprise, she told me your case has been assigned to officer...

Then I told her, I got contradictory information when I called up earlier, then she said "Hold On.."

Now, she says, ya ...that’s correct, since we need additional information we have transferred it to local office.
And she explained that when it gets entered in the local office system, the online and AVM status will change to “Your case has been…”

I didn’t buy that. I believe that, Nebraska should update the case status when they dispatch the case to local office. They also told me that it was transferred during the first week of April. I don’t think that it would take this long to update the case.

A) Can anyone comment on this???

I called up again this morning, and I got one more surprise, Officer told me, the reason it has not been updated is because local office is going to transfer case back to Nebraska and It will take up to sixty days and then after it will re-assign to officer.

B) What do u think of this explanation?? Why would they send case to local office at first place?
Is it common? Has anyone experienced it or even heard this???
They second info is probably bogus.

Online may never get updated. Most people have seen conflicting info on online messages.
Re: They second info is probably bogus.

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
Online may never get updated. Most people have seen conflicting info on online messages.


Thanks for your information. I guess we are on the same page and I too think that the second info is phony.

what r yr thought about the case being transffered to local and then back to nebraska??? Does it make sense???

Can you comment on B??

Porkchop I saw that you are also online....
I will buy you a beer for your reply....
this just suggests that those f**kheads in BCIS should get their f**king act together. no other gov't dept in the u.s. could get away with this kind of customer service. but they know that the poor wretches who are their customers (us) will uncomplainingly take whatever crap they mete out to us.

sorry knshah, this is not helpful to you at all, but i was just sounding off.
same case here

My case got transferred to Detroit and my interview was completed last week. Waiting for approval letter from local center.

BUT my AVM and web still says FP received and blah.....!They have not been updated at all.
So you are not the only one her get confused by the msgs.hang in there
totally understand your confusion dude.

i am not sure how local transfer works but best bet, right now wait 10 days for the transfer notice. since we can never rely on those poor morons for a simple answer, don't aggrevate yourself further by worrying. if 10 days has lapse and you haven't receive a notice, then call/check online for the status. hope this helps. i don't know where you are living but in the local transfer threads, i have read folks who called up the local office to inquire. another option if you have a lawyer, get him/her to help you.

anyone with transfer experience, can you help this dude out?

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It is indeed difficult to find words in the face of such gross abuse; Sometimes an expletive or two are worth a thousand words!!

It is no secret that many IIOs display a cavalier attitude in responding to folks who have no other choice but to take the process seriously and call to inquire. It is a rare event when calling an IIO has turned out to be really helpful (I want to be cautious here because there is an inherent selectivity bias in these forums; the likelihood that a person will post is greater if his/her experience is bad relative to someone who has received a satisfatory response).

Just to make sure that you have left no stone unturned, why dont you call (or have your lawyer call) the number of the Milwaukee office and see if there is any truth to the IIO's respnse?
Originally posted by Sankrityayan
It is indeed difficult to find words in the face of such gross abuse; Sometimes an expletive or two are worth a thousand words!!

It is no secret that many IIOs display a cavalier attitude in responding to folks who have no other choice but to take the process seriously and call to inquire. It is a rare event when calling an IIO has turned out to be really helpful (I want to be cautious here because there is an inherent selectivity bias in these forums; the likelihood that a person will post is greater if his/her experience is bad relative to someone who has received a satisfatory response).

Just to make sure that you have left no stone unturned, why dont you call (or have your lawyer call) the number of the Milwaukee office and see if there is any truth to the IIO's respnse?

BPBJHL042002,jr4gc, Sankrityayan & pork chop,

Thanks all of you for your responses.

Following are my action items.

1) I will call again (I am serious..)
2) I talked to my lawyer and she is also going to call IIO.
3) I couldn’t find the Milwaukee BCIS number. I am still working on it to get the number and ask if they have received my case.
4) My lawyer is going to write a letter for status update.

Weekend is far, so I cant get drunk and watch “Govinda” movie...

thanks all of you.

Did anyone else experience same dilemma with IIO???

My case is also transfered to Milwaukee last week of April, 2003.
I got case transfer letter from INS early this week. Phone# is 414-297-3565(as per the transfer letter). But that number is not in service(diconnected). IIO told me that they(Milwaukee) never answers phone calls to find out case status.

My lawyer told me that it would take 2-3 monhts minimum. But in reality it takes more than 5 months.
It seems you and me are the only two who got transfered to Milwaukee so far. Please share if you know any information.

I spoke to IIO yesterday, she was curt.
She told me my case was never transferred to local office. And you might have got off beam information last time and the reason could be you might have given wrong LIN #. I know all the people in this form would remember their LIN # in their wildest dream!! How can I give wrong LIN???? I might forget my birthday but how can I…..???
I think, she was bullshitting and didn’t have good reason to give.
Also, according to her, my case has not been assigned to officer.
IIO is the son of bitch, don't waste your money to call them!!!

I definitely agree with you guys. I just called 10 mins ago and the IIO is the stupidest old man in this world. He can only say " your application is
still pending" whatsoever I asked him any questions. He hang up very rudely while I tried ask him more questions. Looked like he is on the way to hell!

What a disappointed after you tried tons of times to get on the line???

Don't waste your time and money to call them again.
I am also disappointed to these people in NSC.

RD 10/10/01
ND 11/09/01
No FRE No Approval........