Weekend activities for aging 485ers

Sahib Q

Registered Users (C)
While VSC is snoozing, we don't have many reasons to fuss around. To get a better insight of a deteriorating 485 soul I would suggest that you, dear Readerofthismessage, go to you local Brooklyn Public Library branch and fetch a copy of F.Kafka's "Before the Law" ( only like a few pages). Also, stop by your local bodega to buy beer and salty peanuts.

Enjoy the weekend.
I thought NJ was just a suburb of NYC :p . Is that what he meant?

Now from Houston to Brooklyn, that is almost international


Watch SIMPSONS in FOX 5 to keep you motivated...
a better suggestion for the aging 85ers is to party, drink, see broadway shows and hang out with their most favorite person in the world. Thats what I am doing :p
AG: here is a suggestion.

Originally posted by Anita Gupta
a better suggestion for the aging 85ers is to party, drink, see broadway shows and hang out with their most favorite person in the world. Thats what I am doing :p

Hi Anita:

You have quite some fan-following on this portal. Can you take a couple of them with you and show them a good time? That should stop them from whinning for a few. :)
If you're a couch potato, watch "The Man" show on comedy central with a mug of chilled beer in your hand.

:D :D
GreenPatta: If you're in NYC, definitely go see Les Miserables - I did take one person (though not from this forum) to see it. It is the most amazing broadway show ever.
Another Suggestion

Those of you who are not close Broadway watch Les Miserables on Bravo - Liam Neeson, Jeffrey Rush. Amazing story - Great actors (No great music like the broadway shows).

The ending is quite uplifting to make us little "Les Miserables" :)
AG - thanks

Originally posted by Anita Gupta
GreenPatta: If you're in NYC, definitely go see Les Miserables - I did take one person (though not from this forum) to see it. It is the most amazing broadway show ever.

Thanks for the suggestion. But I am not a huge Broadway fan. Will have to pass this one ... :)
I am not a broadway fan either. They all seem alike - people dressed in black singing the same kind of songs. You can't tell one person apart from another or a song from another or for that matter, one show from another (e.g. Chicago, Cabaret). I usually end up taking out-of-towners. Les Miz is truly different and breathtaking.

If that doesn't do anything for you, there are the comedy clubs...

The Phantom of the Opera was a good one too. The set and costumes were the focal points in this one. Heard a lot about Les Miserables and Lion king. Haven't had a chance to see either yet.