Wednesday - Walk in or not ?


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I am a little confused now .. Some people say they walked in on a Wednesday without appt. and got the FP done ..

Post from Kandy17
"No APPOINTMENT --walked in on Wednesday(oct06,2004) at 6.30Am. By 10AM, I am done with Stamping and as others said, they are polite and nice."

...but some others say you need an appointment for Wednesday

Post from v32
"I can go to any location but said for Wednesdays, you will need an appointment to get the stamping done. But for other days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday walk-ins are allowed."

Can someone please clarify this ? I am planning to go this wednesday to Newark without appointment. Please let me know if I shouldn't. My approval notice says wednesday 8-12, at Newark.
>>Can someone please clarify this ? I am planning to go this wednesday to Newark without appointment. Please let me know if I shouldn't. My approval notice says wednesday 8-12, at Newark.

Did you mean "FP notification" when you said approval notice?
From your post, I gather that you are planning on going for an early FP at Newark. I read in several posts here that many were denied early FPs at Newark. So, it might be just a waste of trip for you.

Wait and see someone might have some more comments for you here. Good luck.

Edit: Here are some links for other posts:
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You do not need an appointment for wednesday atleast at newark.
I did it last wednesday wiht no apointment. If you reach there by 6:30 am,
you will be done by 10:30 on wednesday.
Take the docs mentioned in the approval notice except the photos need to be
in the new format.