We aliens should be careful about this matter too

Is transferring a COSTCO memebership card a
crime? My friend instst I lend my card to him and
I feel hard to reject him. He think he did not do any harm
but favor to COSTCO anyway.
AmericanWannabe said:
I often check with the library to make sure I am clean

You can't be deported for a crime that has only as a maximum penalty 90 days in jail. They cannot even deny a GC for that.
TheRealCanadian said:
You can't be deported for a crime that has only as a maximum penalty 90 days in jail. They cannot even deny a GC for that.

If you are sentenced to 90 days, then you only have
275 freeplay days left. It is better to be frugal about
these precious 365 days.
AmericanWannabe said:
If you are sentenced to 90 days, then you only have 275 freeplay days left. It is better to be frugal about these precious 365 days.

The issue is not one of 365 cumulative days, it is if the crime had a maximum penalty of over 12 months in prison. However, you can be sentenced to 50 1-day terms and be refused naturalization on the grounds of being a habitual criminal.

Just return your damn library books! :)
TheRealCanadian said:
The issue is not one of 365 cumulative days, it is if the crime had a maximum penalty of over 12 months in prison. However, you can be sentenced to 50 1-day terms and be refused naturalization on the grounds of being a habitual criminal.

Just return your damn library books! :)

I thought it is about accumulative of maximum penbalties of all
offenses with convictions.

Even if it is about a single crime, you still better
be careful because second offense will be punished
more and so will be the third (especially in
California with 3 strike law).
The good thing about the 3-strikes law is that you will receive life in prison. This will ensure that you are not deported. You will in fact be housed at government expense and receive free health care- just like Canada.