Way to calculate ND using case numbers


Registered Users (C)
The first two 'NUMBERS's indicate the year the case was filed, the next three numbers indicate the 'business day' of the month for that year when it was filed. The remaining 5 digit number is the actual case number which is unique. If there is a case number starting with LIN02040, it indicates that the case was filed with Nebraska in 2002 and it was filed on the 40/30 = 1 month plus 10th business day of INS i.e Feb 14th 2002.
So, I guess there are some Feb 2002 ND approvals from Nebraska. That's good news.

PS: This is my personal opinion.
ND Calculation

As I understand INS fiscal year starts on 1st OCT therefore LIN02040XXXXX would probably be early-mid november 02.
Notice date for LIN02040XXXXX

LIN02040XXXXX would be 10 business days after one month of Oct 2001 (start of new year 02 series for INS) i.e. Nov 14th 2001
This is notice date.
lin number

I believe

Count should be started from Sept 1st.
If you number INS business days starting from 1 and continue upto next August31.
Take your notice date and see what is the number of that working day.
You will get the lin number LIN-year-no_of_the_workingday-5XXXX

My case
my ND 6/26/02

June 26th 2002 is approximately 220th business day of INS from 3rd Setp 2001.
3rd Sep 2001 is the 1st business day for INS.

It is approximately matching my formula given above.
(Approximate, I don't know exactly, holidays of INS other than weekends.)

Welcome for your debate
Can someone then tell me then what would LIN-02-079-5**** mean.
My ND is Jan 7, 2002
I tried all your suggestions, but was unable to come up with the math. Am I missing something here??:confused:
"02" in you LIN number is the INS fisical year 2002 which starts from OCT 1. 079 should be the number of the working day from OCT 1 2001. I'm not sure how they calculate the working days..

Hope this clears!!!
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Originally posted by chikki
Can someone then tell me then what would LIN-02-079-5**** mean.
My ND is Jan 7, 2002
I tried all your suggestions, but was unable to come up with the math. Am I missing something here??:confused:

02 is the Fiscal Year 2002 starting on October 1st 2001
079 is the number of business days counted from October 1st 2001
5**** case number for the day

I am confused with variation in each case.

I hope some body will get good idea to answer the trick of how INS assign lin number.
The first two numbers are the year. The next three numbers are the number of weeks starting October 1st multiplied by 6 and then add any days carried over.

So 02-079-***** would be Dec 31st 2002.

I think they count six days a week because the post office delivers mail on Saturdays but not on Sundays. So they have to account for the Saturday RDs.

This is just what I came up with. Please correct me if I am wrong.
INS official explanation

Below the INS explanation extracted from NSC website. Hope this clarifies the issue:

For most applications filed at a Service Center, your receipt may look like this: LIN 99 001 50001. In this example, the LIN represents the Nebraska Service Center, where the application was initially received into the electronic system. Cases that are filed at or received by another Service Center but processed at the NSC will generally carry the designation of the originating Service Center:

LIN = Lincoln, Nebraska or NSC
EAC = St. Albans, Vermont or VSC
SRC= Dallas, Texas or TSC
WAC= Laguna Niguel, California or CSC

In the example above:

The 99 represents the fiscal year (October 1, through September 30) in which the case was received.
The 001 represents the computer workday in the fiscal year on which the fee was taken.
The 50001 represents the particular case number.