Was told approved on the final interview...recieved denial letter yesterday..HELP!


New Member
Hello, a little info on my case

I had applied for adjustment to resident status awhile back… in the 90s. However, I left for Dominican Republic and came back periodically to check on the status and it was still active.

When I finally came here on July 2005, in the following months I went to the USCIS center where I had filed my case in the 90s intending to file a new application, however, out of curiosity I brought some evidence of my old application, and surprisingly, I was told that my case was still in the database. I was given an application number to use to file my new status. I was extremely pleased!

So I did that, filled the proper forms, and fast-forward a couple of months when I received a RFE. They were asking for documents I didn’t have so I filled a form that requested action on USCIS behalf on my application (I wanted them to find the evidence because the said they claimed they had everything on my case on my initial visit). That went nowhere, so disappointed I went to the VSC office and demanded to be told what was going on. By this time, my tourist visa had expired... but as noted, I had filed for adjustment to resident well before my visa expired.

On this visit I was taken to the supervisor and after vehemently demanding the whereabouts of my original case, I was told that my file had been lost entirely... and that due to that I was going to be given a visa number on the spot (special consideration on behalf of the supervisor). With this visa number in hand I resumed my adjustment process. I was told I had to fill every form again with the new Visa Number and with a copy of the special consideration. Everything went awesome; I had my medical done, my wife too. Then we had FPs done. Now, fast forward to June 25th, 2007, after my final interview had be postponed twice I was finally interviewed and told with 100% certainty that my application had been approved and that I will receive either the notice of approval or the GC itself in the mail within 2 weeks. He also said that my wife's application was still pending name check but that it would be approved as soon as that cleared. We left utterly satisfied!

Then, come yesterday I received 2 letters in the mail stating that my application had been denied because I was filed for adjustment in January 2007. As you can see, I’ve been involved in adjusting my case since well before my visa expired May, 2006. I’m so confused now; I was driven to tears when I read this letter. The letter said however, that I could resume my application IF I paid a 1,000 dollar fine (2,000 dollars total for both me and my wife). What can I do? Any help is in desperate need and would be extremely appreciated. I have to leave urgently to Dominican Republic to conduct some very important matters but I’m afraid to leave because of this uncertainty revolving around my case. Please…any suggestions are welcome!
please contact a lawyer ASAP

I think you should get some professional advice. You should contact a lawyer ASAP to sort out this situation.

wish you the best
As the previous posts have said, you will need to consult a GOOD immigaration lawyer. One big advice is do not leave the country until this is sorted out.