Walk-in for FP on a No Infopass appointments day?


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I checked the USCIS website for the local field office where I need to do my finger printing, and it says:

"This office is CLOSED for INFOPASS appointments on Tuesdays.."

Any idea why there are no Infopass days like that?

I plan on getting my FP done a head of time by walking-in. I know it is up to officers at location, based on their work load.. Would you say it's a safer bet to go on a No-Infopass day (perhaps less scheduled customers) or on the contrary - maybe those days are overbooked and hence the no Infopass appointments? Or maybe officers just don't like seeing any walk-ins on no Infopass days... Any thoughts?
What's your DO? Someone with experience there may have more info.

In my area, FP are done at a support center, not the same office as Infopass, Interviews or Oaths. I was able to walk in for FP (Atlanta).

You don't need an infopass to get biometrics done.
DO = Oklahoma City.

I know I don't need infopass for FP. My question was: is it advantegous to walk-in on a "no infopass appointments day" or should I aim for another day...?
Are biometrics done in the same place as interviews?

I don't know the answer to your question, just pointing out that in many instances, biometrics aren't done in the same place - so infopass days or not, has no bearing on the support center.
Ok, Thanks for clarifying. I believe both are done at the same place, as this is the only DO in the whole state..

I may just wait one week and go on my scheduled appointment.. Since it's a 1.5hrs drive for me (each way), it may not be worth the chance of going and getting rejected, if all I'm saving is just 1 week (which is neglectable in the scope of the whole process...)
Probably not worth taking the chance. My support center was a 70 mile round-trip. I happened to be in the area (5 miles away), 2 weeks early, on another matter, so I took a chance on a walk-in, fully aware that they might send me away. In my case they took me. I wouldn't have made a special trip just for that unless it was on my appointed day/time.