Walk-In Fingerprinting in Detroit DO


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

Has anybody in this forum tried doing a walk-in fingerprinting at the Detroit DO? I received the fingerprint notice today for next wednesday but I may not be able to do it. I'm thinking about trying a walk-in this friday. Anybody has done this before?

i will advise u give it a trial by walk in. can i also ask u if u have any idear how the interview is conducted in Detriot cos i have my coming soon there. so as to know what to prepare and expect. thanks.
my interviiew

obajego said:
i will advise u give it a trial by walk in. can i also ask u if u have any idear how the interview is conducted in Detriot cos i have my coming soon there. so as to know what to prepare and expect. thanks.
hey buddy i was having my i-130 interview at detroit do..that was pretty fine the immi off was pretty nice and he apporved the appl in just 30 miuntes ...damn fine ..but iwas having enog=ugh evidence too..hit me back for more what kind of intervie u have
Hello, I am canadian also :) anyways You can try doing the walk-in but in somedays they are busy but it takes less then 20 mins, I walked in, showed some ID, went and signed some forms and then took some prints....friendly,fast and good lol.
i am not in detroit but my advice be there as early as you can since some people get there later than their appointed time.
Not in Norfolk

When I went for my fingerprinting there was someone who was trying to do a walk in ahead of their appointment. She got a lecture from the guard and they took a copy of her appointment letter and sent her away. She looked really upset and obviously wished she hadn't tried. I don't know what they did with the appointment letter copy. If she thinks at all like I do I am just always so worried that someone is going to take a post-it note and write "jerk" on it and stick it to my file.
I did the walk-in fingerprinting at Detroit DO this morning. Got there at around 7:30 am. The DO people did not give me a lecture but she told me to wait if I want but it could be a long wait. However, I got done at 8:10 am. I think it helps to get there early.
congrats....it probably just depends on the person and modd of the officer that particular morning. i went and checked out the place a day prior and the guard was all moody. the next day she was fine and the lady that took the prints was all like "oh you shoulda just come in yesterday, people do that all the time"!

well i am glad it worked for you
I did FP in Charlotte, NC. Their system was pretty strict. They only let people through who had a certain appt. time. Mine was at 11:00, so at 10:45 we were allowed to line up. The guard told all who had appointments later than 11:00 to leave and come back at 15 minutes till their appt. time. So going early to my place did not help. One guy showed up 1/2 hour late for his appt. and they made him wait until last fp time at 4:00.