Waitng list of NSC EB3 INDIA RD/ND 99 CAses please post details...

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PD: 02/97
RD,ND: 12/10, 12/13/99
FP: 12/00
RFE: 04/05/01, replied: 05/01/01
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NSC INDIA PD 10/19/97, RD 03/29/00, ND 04/24/00, FP 01/17/01 No approval yet
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NSC, EB3,PD 3/97, RD 8/4/97, ND 10/6/97, FP 6/1/00 STILL WAITING, NO RFE SO FAR
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Guys and Gals, call IIOs or take it up with the senator or congressmen before it gets too cold.

Wish you all GOOD LUCK.
No Title

I\'m also waiting. No sign of RFE and no change in AVM.

Myladoor, Where to get info about local senator and how to contact them?

EB3 India PD: 1/23/98, RD:8/10/00 ND:10/4/99 FP:6/23/00 AD:???? LIN 00002-5xxxxx