waiting on advance parole, expediting advance parole


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I am currently waiting on my 485 (EB2). My priority date is Sept 16 2005, and 485 date is Aug 27 2007. I have traveled out of the country and back on advance parole and am still on H1 as I am still with the same company. My current advance parole ends in Jan 31 2010. I have to travel again in the first week of Feb 2010. I applied for another advance parole at the TSC on Aug 31 2009 for both my Wife and I. My Wife got her parole in a week, but I am yet to receive it.

I checked the USCIS site for the time frame and it says 3 months for TSC. I am thinking I might not have received it yet as I have a parole which is active. But I want to make the travel reservations now and I wanted a confirmed parole. USCIS said that they could put in an expedited request for the parole if it is an emergency. My lawyer says not to worry as I had applied in August, I had plenty of time to receive it.

Please advice. What should I do.
What is your concern about? You have plenty of time as you are traveling in February. It has not been three months yet, so just relax and don't worry about such minor things. You will get it before December end. I don't see any issue with booking your ticket right now