Waiting for Spouce approval experience??


Registered Users (C)
Do anybody have a experience where the primary is approved and the Spouse is still pending?
Please let me know how long does it normally take for the spouse to be approved after primary approval?

Thanks shokaido, Did you had to do anything or the approval came in without any special request?

Thanks again.

No we didn't do anything special for the I-485. However, we did make two phone calls to NSC to inquire the status. In the first call we got nothing, as the office refused to disclose anything. In the second call (about 2 weeks before the approval), we were told that the spouse's 485 was with an officer.

We're still waiting for the second card.
Primary I-485 approved on 05/11/2007 (I-485 RD 1/17/07)
Spouse I-485 approved on 09/14/2007 (I-485 RD 5/11/2007)