Waiting for Finger Print notice


Registered Users (C)
Is there anyone who is still waiting for FP notice from Detroit Area
with ND 04/04 RD 04/20
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RD: 12/6/00; ND: 12/14/00; Received FP on 2/13/02; Scheduled for 3/26/02; Detroit Area;
I hope you will be getting shortly your FP request.
Looks like, INS is started looking at old cases for FP request.
RD 3/01 - ND 04/01 waiting for FP.

My RD is 03/2001 and ND 04/01 waiting for FP. Called INS the responce was you will get next month. Let us see what happens.
Spoke to IIO

I spoke to an IIO officer and she told me that the I sould be getting it in a about 2 or 3 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed.