Waiting for an I 130


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Hello all please help if any one can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have beeen waiting for an i 130 approval since april 2005. I am married to a US citizen and still no approval any way to expediate or get accurate answers besides contacting ins or stupid lawyers. case was filed in chicago in march recieved by ins in april given reciept number april 19th please help anyone

Did you file your i-485 adjustment of status along with your petition? Normally, you don't have to wait for an approval of petition in a marriage case in order to file for adjustment of status.
i couldnt because at the time of marriage i didnt have any status i came to states when i was 8 with my parents and then our case was denied we filed a petetion under my mothers employer and the ins wanted the family to volunterealy departure america in sept of 05 and i have been waiting since april 05 for the case out of the country
I don't think you being out of status should have kept you from being able to file i-485 when your wife or husband filed i-130 for you because when you're married to a US Citizen and they file a petition for you, you're immediately to be placed in a category where you don't have to wait in order to adjust status.

Your case doesn't sounds right. You shouldn't have to wait that long to get a petition approved when it's a US Citizen spouse sponsoring you.

Have you contacted a lawyer or any immigration centers in your local area? If not, I'd advise you to do that.

Good Luck,.
i understand what you are saying i had consulted more then one lawyer and the had all said that i would have to go back since we were going to be placed on deportation orders. Now my attorney says that since i had to leave the ins is going to take some time my wife has repeatedly went to the ins office and spoken to the officer and they have openly said we are piled with cases in chicago here and that everything is in order with your file. My attorneys said last week he had visited the ins office and has come to know that my case is now in the process of deliberation and it will not take tooo long to get approved and that should be approved soon. He has also said openly since unfortunately i am holding a pakistani passport they will take there time and see things before just approving the case. Pakistan as u and i know being the most watched country for its stupidity time after time and honest people like me have to suffer you know and its bad. Also i have asked other pakistanis here and they have all said that it takes 9 months to 12 for a female applicant who is under i 130 pending to reach the United states. But it takes a male applicant any where between 13 to 18 months so this prooves that US is cautious towards pakistani immigrants which i dont hold them responsible for but atleast for some one how hasnt even lived here all his life some exceptions should be made and i feel extremely bad in regards to that i have never done anything wrong or bad in my life i hope this case is approved soon and i can be on my to the greatest country and accomplish many greath things

thanks for all of your help again
I understand and feel your pain. We're all suffering in processing times because of the recent terrorist attacks.

Aren't you eligable for a waiver as far as deportation goes? A fine that may allow you to stay here while your papers are being processed perhaps? Good luck.
Well I filed an I 485/ I 130 and since my husband was already in removal procedings he did not quailfy for the I 485 and we just got a letter last week saying that we have an interview next month. We filed both in December of 2003 and three years later were finally getting our interview, so you probably have a while to wait.
I 130 Still Pending in NY local office

I've filed an I 130 petiton for my husband July 2005 and it was transfered to NY local office in August 2005. It has been 11 months and the case is still pending for reviewing. I have tired calling the toll free number and it was no help. Does anyone have any idea approximately how long it might take? Any feedback is greatly appreciated..